Chapter 2

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Stanley's P.O.V.

Dipper and Pacifica Pines were leaving tomorrow and it's sad to see them go. Of course nothing bad happened at least yet.

Then Dipper walked out side and read through Journal 3 and started to cry remembering all of his memories. I comfort them.

Then we were suddenly surrounded by darkness and we were floating. Then we saw Bill.

"Aw Pine Tree and Glasses."

'Mother Fudge, not this Bish again!?!' I thought

"You better watch your mouth Glasses, Anyway now let's direct our selves to Pine Tree."

"What did I do?" Dipper said annoyed

"Well I warned you that I hate everlasting love."

"Where do you see Everlasting love" I blurted out.

"Well when your married you basically have everlasting love for ever."

Dipper started to get a worried look in his face.

"Yeah Pine Tree, you didn't listen to my warning. Now you'll pay."

Bill flew straight towards Dipper, and without thinking I decided to take one for the team.

I jumped in front of Bill.

Gravity Falls: [Book 3] The Love Triangle Part: 1 (Dipper x Pacifica)Where stories live. Discover now