Part 5 Getting to know 1A!!

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you went home and went into your room and went on your computer to see the results. To find out...

You got accepted!

You were happy that you got accepted and you had to tell Midoriya! so you call him and he answered. He sounded like he was crying.. he said:


You said to him: "That's so great!! I got accepted too! maybe we'll have the same class aswell!!" you said to him in glee.

"Yeah! Maybe even kaachan will be there.. but uh.. idk if that's a good thing.." Midoriya said to you.

"How come?" you asked him.

"Kaachan tends to get angry a lot and is a competitive person.." Midoriya warned you.

"Well, that's a problem for later, right now we should focus on preparing ourselves for tomorrow." you told him focusing at the task in hand.

"Your right, I'll start gathering my clothes and other things!" Midoriya told you.

"Sounds like a plan!" you told him and hung up on him.

Next morning!✨

You wake up glad for your 1st day of school! you couldn't help but to feel excited and started rushing to school. Your mom tells you to eat breakfast so you eat a small meal then ran to school in your uniform and you wear (your favorite color) backpack.

You meet Midoriya on the way to school, and you and Midoriya started to chat untill you saw a monster attacking the blonde spiky haired boy you saw at the exams. You and Midoriya rush over there ignoring the trespassing and tried to save him.. you stalled the monster and Midoriya tried to open part of the monster so he could take his close friend out. Once the famous #1 hero arrived (All Might) he took care of the situation and he warned us both and all might then proceeded to tell us some encouraging words for us because of our bravery and willingly run out there to help him. After that situation and when he chatted with Midoriya we went to U.A and the blonde spiky haired boy was freed and was arguing with the police and hero's about his safety, the blonde spiky haired boy saying that he didn't put himself in danger and he was smarter. They went on and on untill Midoriya got in on the situation and told "Kaachan" to calm down. He didn't really listen but he left with us to go to U.A and the spiky haired boy was forced to go with us, for precautions.

Once they introduce themselves in Class 1A (I'm sorry I got lazy ;-;)

Everyone introduced themselves and only the blonde spiky haired kid, Midoriya and I were left to introduce ourselves.

"I am Izuku Midoriya!" Midoriya told his name in glee.

"Katsuki Bakugou.. that's my name. You better not forget it extra's!" This was the blonde spiky haired boy's name. You'll be calling him Bakugou from now on.

"I am Y/N! Nice to meet you all!" you said to them all. You smiled at the class.

Bakugou stared at you.. he looked like he was giving you a death stare. This didn't scare you but everyone else was worried about him, they all thought he was a jerk. You didn't, You knew why he might have been acting like this. He was going through something in his life. He probably does this so that his or someone else will approve of him. so that he was superior and a professional. This obviously wasn't true but you didn't care.

"Bakugou! Stop staring at Y/N like that! She did nothing at all to deserve that stare!" Iida the blue haired boy said moving his hands up and down in a repeating motion.

"Shut up. Extra! You can't tell me what to do!" Bakugou shouted at Iida not giving a absolute crap about him.

You look away, to see Midoriya looking worried, he looked like he was afraid of Bakugou, and he probably thinks he would hurt you. You reassure him that everything is okay.

"Please stop staring at me bakugou.. your making Midoriya worry." You looked at bakugou like you were worried for them both, You hoped that bakugou wouldn't harm anyone- he does have a explosive personality after all.

Bakugou looked away "Whatever..." he said in a tone of anger and sadness.

You noticed and looked at him concerned so after class you ask bakugou and deku if they were alright.

"Y-yeah.. I'm fine Y/N! I just was worried about you" Deku answered you.

You smiled at deku and deku smiled back. You went to apologize to bakugou next.

"Im fine, Extra! Stop worrying about me dammit!" Bakugou told you in response from what you asked him, he  acted as if he hated you.

You simply knew it wasn't true that he hated you, You could tell by his facial expression. He was blushing and had his eyes closed and his mouth looking angry and you assumed he was acting this way because he felt that he was being overwhelmed by you worrying about him like a good 'friend'

"I am worried. But there is no way i'm going to stop while you are acting this way.. you seem overwhelmed." You told him in reply.

Your response made bakugou blush more but he also was more pissed off than before, he was about to be on his last nerve- you could just tell.

"You have a lot of nerve saying that.. I am not overwhelmed! I also told you to stop worrying! Dammit Y/N!!" Bakugou told you angrily and Mr. Aizawa came over and used his quirk on Bakugou so that he couldn't harm you.

You knew that bakugou couldn't harm you, so you give him a pat on his shoulder and whisper in his ear, "You should really be more careful.. You most definitely would be kicked out if you hit any of us here, I am just warning you. I don't want to cause trouble, besides if I did.. Well, That would be horrible."

You then got off of him and Bakugou did his normal 'Tsk' at you, but he was partly smirking.. You thought about it and you think that meant he enjoyed your attitude. But at the same time he was kinda pissed off because you sassed him. You then proceeded to head to your next class.


(YAYYY IM FINALLY DONE WITH THIS CHAPTER!!!) Hey guys I hope you enjoyed this chapter and I hope you are excited for the next one. Cya later!

- Your Lovely Creator, Ellie

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