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The next morning, Annabeth woke up and looked to her side as Flug wasn't there but a note. The note explained to Annabeth that black hat called him in and she frowned. She cared for flug as much as the next girl, but that really pissed her off. She sighed, and slowly got up. "There's no reason to get yourself upset." She told herself. Her voice had a little bit of an Asian accent since her mother was The Midnight Rose, a villainess. As soon as she stepped out of her room and into another one, but it contained Mirrors. She looked into one of them, Brushing her blonde hair. She hated the fact she had to keep up appearances, but she had to if she was to be feared and respected.

She then tied her hair into a braided bun with a silver butterfly hair clip as she opened a drawer revealing a eyeshadow palette with Silver, Gold, Red, purple, and Brown colors. She knew that there was no mission for her today and she applied a dark purple eyeshadow, Blood red lipstick, and eyeliner. She stepped out of the room and put on a Light blue dress with butterflies decorating the end, Black opaque stockings, White heels and a necklace with a single Dark blue Diamond. She then took out Blue Contact lenses and put them in her eyes.

She smiled, grabbing her Black purse and putting on a Gray cardigan, she left and drove off to her work. She worked with Whitehat, Black hat's Brother. She hated heroes, considering her past but she got a job as a Receptionist. Once she got there, Dr Slug was there. "Hey, Veronica~" she mentally rolled her eyes but smiled. "Hello, Dr. If your looking for the coffee beans, they are in the drawer to your left." She replied before trying to reach to her desk. Keyword: TRIED.  He grabbed her wrist but she was stronger. She lifted her arm into the air and brought it down quickly. (An: The thing Annabeth did is the same thing I was taught at the age of 8!) it caused slug to let go of her wrist. "I have a boyfriend, Slug." She told him as she sat down in her chair. "Slug, you should know better then to attempt to harass Veronica! Miss Veronica, are you ok?!" She looked up to see White hat, her boss. "I'm ok, Sir. It was a good thing I learned self defense." She gave him a smile. White hat was not on her hit list as he understood that she was a Mafia boss and kept her secret. For that, she was grateful as she promised to protect Him and Flug. She worked part time until she was ready to drop her life as a Mafia boss and work full time.

She sighed as she thought about the Mafia. Sure it had been her pride and joy, but.. she was ready to settle down with her boyfriend. After work, she drove home and went to her mafia meeting room. She sighed to calm down.

"Diamonds, it's been a honor to have been your leader. But now.. We need to move on with our lives. Since I have found mono, it's time for you girls to find your long lost lovers.. I want to thank each and every one of you.. For the best years of my life, DIAMONDS FOREVER!" She said as Everyone repeated the motto.

That night, she Called White hat to explain to him what had happened. After they hung up, she used her magic to make the Mansion into a big, but beautiful house. She then heard the door knock and she opened it. "Hey, Dear." She said smiling. "Hi, Mi amore~" replied Flug as he held a bunch of Blood red Roses, Annabeth's favorite flower. She accepted the flowers and put them in a vase. She took off his bag and went in to kiss him.

Flug adored her since they were children and with her mother's permission, he got the blessings to marry her. He just needed a Ring for her to propose to the girl who had plagued his mind for many years. When he got taken by the heroes, he never forgot the look of heartbreak on her face when he told her to run when she was 9 and he was 10. 23 years had passed since that horrible day and he never forgot the torture they had put him through. A girl named Six helped him to escape, but he got betrayed by her. Annabeth Called him mono meaning one since he was one year older then her when she was 9. He chuckled a little, remembering how Damn cute she was when she was little.

But now.. Even at 27, She looked even better. She still had her hair cut into a stylish bob, but she had gotten more beautiful than in her child years. He could get lost in those gray eyes that reminded him of the clouds for days.. years even! She smiled knowing what he was thinking and guided him to the couch, placing his head in her lap. She gently petted him, Enjoying the little sounds he made. Why did Annabeth make him feel weak and full of love? "Mono, you are worth anything more then gold. I will always love you." She said softly, reminding him of the younger version of herself. "I love you too!" She purred happily making herself even more adorable. That night, they cuddled as she had her head against his chest.

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