Its okay

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After stiles starts to cool down he hears it the small cry of a lost puppy

Sighing stiles leaves the room he was in and follows the sound, he expects it to lead him back to the couch but is surprised when he doesn't see Derek there

Worrying Stiles calls for him "Derek, Derek, where are you"

Although Derek was nowhere in sight he was still whimper

Unable to find him stiles is left with one last option, closing his eyes stiles focuses for his magic, when he feels it he send a glimmer of it out to lead him to Derek

When stiles finds Derek he mentally slaps himself, how could he have been that oblivious, it was honestly the most obvious place Derek would have gone with being unable to locate stiles

On Stiles bed Derek lay his head burrowing into stiles pillow and lying in a fetal position

Stiles slowly approached the bed a quietly and softly as he could, once he reached the bed he sat and it and pushed his arm out to let his hand rest on Derek's side

Softly stiles says "Derek are you okay?"

All stiles gets in return is a small whimper one of great fear

Stiles let's out a small sigh, 'honestly today has been full of these' stiles thought to himself

"Come here" stiles says as he pulls the entirety of Derek, pulling his head into his lap

Once Derek is repositioned comfortably stiles starts to play with his hair

"I'm sorry Derek, I didn't mean to scare you like that and honestly I shouldn't be allowed to be scared, it's my fault you're like this and you're depending on me to help you"

The only response stiles is met with is a low whine but Derek does rub his head on stiles stomach

"It's okay Derek....I'll figure something out"

(Sorry for this being short I'm just having some writers block but it's coming slowly)

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