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In Mall of Seoul(Mos)

2 girls in the mall holding plastic bags that has school supplies in them where going to the food court while talking what they will eat

And then 3 girls that looks like foreigners entered the mall talking about what are they gonna do in the mall

-Let's go shopping!-said in japanese the girl that looks like a shiba inu in excitement

-let's eat first-said in japanese the girl that looks like a raccoon while rubbing her tummy

-and how about after shopping let's drop by the arcade and have a little fun before the academy starts next week-said in japanese the girl with cute moles in her face said in a elegant way

And then 3 girls that looks like foreigners went to the food court while
the other 2 girls earlier were now choose what food to buy after the 2 girls payed for there food the find a table in food court were they will eat

And right on time the 3 japanese girls arrive at the food court and without and second to lose the raccoon girl quickly went to a stall that sells jokbal and the other 2 just sigh how there friend is always hungry and then they just followed her and order what are the food that the stall has to offer to the 2 after they payed there food they went to find a table that wasn't occupied and after searching for a bit they found one a table near the 2 girls from earlier were almost finish with there food and without a second to spare raccoon looking girl took a sit and begun to gobble her food and the other two just sigh followed her and sit and start to dig in too but the shiba inu girl was stole some glances to the other table where the girls from earlier where that was near there table,she analize there faces and there gorgeous with a hint of handsomeness then she told her friend about it

-Mina look at those girl overthere-whispered in japanese the shiba inu looking girl so the other table can't here them but what was the point they were speaking in japanese and the other table looks like koreans

Then the girl with cute moles took a side glance to the other table then shrugs and went back to eating

-Oi mina what was that,don't tell me that they can't make you gay😡-said in japanese by the shiba inu girl to the girl that has cute moles or mina

Then Mina stop eating and said
-the one that has mole near her lips looks cute happy now sana~-said in japanese with an eye roll and she went back to eating

Then the racoon looking girl finish her meal immediately and took fast glance in the other table and said

-the pale looking girl is kinda my type
-said in japanese by the raccoon looking girl then rub her tummy signalling she is full

Now the conversation of the other table

After taking the last bite of her food the pale looking girl took a tissue and clean her mouth with it after using it she put down the use tissue and said to the other girl

-Chae do you thing the other table is talking about us they keep on stealing glance in our table earlier
-Dubu said looking at the girl in front of her who just finish eating and now wiping her mouth with a tissue

Then chae just shrug and said
-i really don't mind because i will become famous top class hunter in the future but if you feel uncomfortable lets just leave i think oppa will burn the house any moment now

A bus stop somewhere i guy sneeze and said
-Is someone talking bad about me?
Then the guy heard a whisper in his ear put his pinky finger in his right ear rubbing it and his eyes grew wider when he heard another whisper and he shouted an curse word

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