Chapter 2 - The Market

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The snow coating the road into the village was trampled, speckled with brown and black from passing carts and horses. Elain and Nesta grimaced at the streets as we made our way along it, trying to dodge the particularly disgusting parts. I had to stifle the urge to roll my eyes. I knew the only reason they came was because I'd be coming home with money in my pocket. I had never liked Nesta and Elain much when I read the ACOTAR books.

Not much had changed from that time.

Still, I harbored some semblance of sisterly love towards them. I didn't know if it was the remnants of Feyre shining through, or if I had truly adopted them as family.

We finally reached the village. The stone houses lining the streets were ordinary and dull, made even grimmer than usual by the bleak gray sky. Still, they were nicer than our hovel. It was market day, which meant the tiny square in the center of the town would be full of whatever vendors decided to brave the brisk morning. The scent of hot food hit me suddenly as I approached the edge of the town.

Spices, salt, and sugar were rare commodities for most of the village, impossible to afford. If I made enough money today, perhaps I'd buy something delicious for us. It had been so long since I had a good meal.

I opened my mouth to suggest the idea to Nesta, but when we turned the corner I was cut off as I nearly stumbled into a pale-robed woman. "May the Immortal Light shine upon thee, sisters," she said. I felt my blood run cold. Today truly was the day that everything sprung into action.

I heard Nesta and Elain audibly click their tongues behind me. I tried to step around the woman, but she extended her arms wide in a gesture of greeting, forcing me to stay where I was or accidentally run into her. A bracelet of real silver bells tinkled at her wrist as she spoke.

"Have you a moment to spare so that you might hear the Word of the Blessed?"

"No," Nesta sneered, ducking under the girl's arms and pulling Elain and I with her. "We don't."

The young woman smiled, shaking her head. Her unbound, dark hair gleamed in the morning light. Five other acolytes stood behind her, young men and women both. "It would take but a minute," the woman said, stepping directly in Nesta's path.

I winced as Nesta went ramrod straight, squared her shoulders, and looked down her nose at the young acolyte. It was truly impressive how condescending and terrifying the woman could be. She seemed like a queen without a throne. "Go spew your fanatic nonsense to some ninny. You'll find no converts here."

I sighed as we stepped around her, saying, "You're fighting an uphill battle."

I ignored her response, letting Nesta drag me forwards, towards the square. I spotted the mercenary immediately, knowing she was the one I needed to talk to. Her thick, dark hair was cut to just below her chin. Her eyes were dark, interesting. They were not just one shade of black, but many, with hints of brown gathered amongst the shadows.

I pushed back against that part of my mind, knowing it was Feyre more than me. It was her instincts that recognized and had me thinking about color and light and shape. Though, in my normal life, I had been something of an artist myself. Still, it was useless to me now.

I kept my shoulders back, slightly raising my chin as the mercenary assessed me. I refused to show any glimmer of fear. The weapons strapped on her back gleamed in the dim morning light. I stopped a good two feet away, letting her speak first. "I don't barter goods for my services," she said, her voice harboring an unfamiliar accent. "I only accept coin."

"Then you'll be out of luck in this sort of place."

"What is your business with me, girl?" I wanted to comment that I wasn't a girl, at least not to her. She looked to be in her mid-twenties. I decided to stay quiet when I realized that in my baggy clothes and my hungry, gangly body, I probably looked no older than fifteen.

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