Chapter 28: Freedom at Last

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{Tubbos POV}

After me and Ranboo finally started going out again, every minute with his feels like heaven, god I miss this feeling. We were now eating breakfast together, I was the once cooking since Ranboo can't really cook that well to be honest, but he tries his best. After we both ate our breakfast, we took a shower... Together...

Skip to that... Since you might not like of what we did there. We packed our things, clothes and essentials and went straight to the airport, we weren't wasting no time, so we immediately went. We arrived there by an uber and bought out ticket immediately. Thankfully, one to the UK was gonna takd off in a few minutes so we just relaxed as we waited. After a few minutes, our plane finally arrived and we boarded it. While on the plane I texted my friends of what was going on.

{Bottom Bitches😫💅}

{insert explanation}

Gogy: Oh fuck no
Karl: Why didn't you tell us sooner???
          And yeah, call the cops
You: I already told Lani to call the cops
Skep: Oh cause of your plan right?
Gogy: What plan?
Skep: The plan on calling the cops on his dad
           Its so smart
Karl: ^What he said

I texted and explained to them the plan that I was gonna do to in the UK. I haven't told Boo yet, but I'll tell him later on after I tell them. As we were in the plane, Boo fell asleep after I explained to him on what we were gonna do once we reached UK, I also notified Tommy so that he would know as well. We finally arrived in the airport, and walked our way out through the familiar path. We called an uber and went straight to my house. But as we soon as we got there, police cars were surrounding the house. Wait, could it be?

I rushed into the house and found police officers scanning the house. My family wasn't there... Where are they? I police man noticed me panic and came up to me, and gave me a reassuring pat in the shoulder. I look up to him and he smiled down at me.

"Are you one of Mrs. Smiths children?"
"No need to fret, your mother and siblings are at the station, and they're all safe"
"Yes, your father has been arrested due to abuse and increase of drug activity at his work place"
"Wait, really?"
"Who called in on him?"
"There were multiple people actually. One of your sisters, a 16 year old boy and..."

He paused, as he was thinking, looking up to the ceiling to find the answer. He finally got it, and went back down to look at me.

"And a few other boys too, friends of yours perhaps?"
"Yeah... I think I know them"
"Alright then, you and your friend out there can go to the station to visit your family"
"Okay, thank you sir"
"No problem kid"

He said as he walked back to the group of people who were investigating the house. I went outside to see Ranboo waiting and just standing, staring out of the distance of neighbors gossiping. I nudge his arm a bit and he went down to look at me, and gave me a smile.

"What did that officer say?"
"My dad is finally arrested"

We both smiled and he engulfed me into a hug, and I hugged back. We stayed like that for a while before telling him that we had to go to the station to see my family, excluding my father. He then nods, and asked one of the officers if he could get us to the station, since we had no idea what police station they were talking about. The officer was kind enough to agree and give us a lift there. We were interrogated a bit while in the ride, but it wasn't too personal just questions about my father, and what he did to us. After a while, we finally arrived there, and I see my mother just sitting still not daring to move and just stared blankly into the opposite side, while Teagan was trying to comfort her somehow. I also saw Tommy, engulfing Lani into a hug as she was crying into his shoulder, and him giving reassuring circles at her back. They're acting sus but I'll question about them later.

I then jogged my way to them, and Lani immediately hugged me, and so did Teagan. Mother just looked up at me with a weak smile, and smiled back. I began to stroke both of their heads as they were both sobbing into my shoulders. Ranboo catched up and went beside Tommy and talked to him about something I couldn't hear that much. I looked back at mother, who was mumbling some words, and I aas genuinely worried for her.

"Mother? Are you alrigh-"
"Were free..."

Teagan and Lani both let go of me and looked at moher, also concerned, and so did Tommy and Ranboo.

"Were free..."
"Tubbo! Lani! Teagan! Were free!"

She jumped out of her seat and hugged he three of us while hopping around. I immediately understood what she meant when she hugged us smiling. Were... Free... Free from father's wrath... We wouldn't need to face him anymore. We wouldn't need to suffer anymore, mother's right, were free!

I think Lani and Teagan caught on since they were also now smiling and holding back tears of joy. We hugged a bit once more and decided to break it. I looked at Ranboo and Tommy and they gave me a reassuring smile. I went to them and gave them a hug, in which they returned.

"You're gonna be safe now Tubs"
"Yeah, were always here for you Bee"

I cried into both their shoulders and stayed like that for a while. Timeskip, after all the emotional state and after all the interviewing from the officers, we were finally sent home. Tommy, and my family all went home as me and Boo decided to roam around the streets of London.

It was a lot of fun, we ate some food in the streets, got to stroll around the park, and went to an amusement park, and kissed from time to time. As we both fall into the state of tiredness, we decided to go home. As we were making our way to my house through an uber. I wondered to myself, if he'll ever come back, my father. He was an unstable man, but for some reason, I still want him to be okay. Well he's in jail, but still, I hope he's doing okay. Since now, I'm free...

My hand that was interlocked with Ranboos got tighter as he was asleep in my shoulder. I squeezed his hand a few times and finally realized to myself. The weight that was always in my shoulders, suddenly got lighter, and I feel less preasure now. So this is freedom, quite a nice feeling to get used too.

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