Chapter 3

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Noelle's POVJanuary 8th 6:00am

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Noelle's POV
January 8th 6:00am

Today was my first day at my new school. My mom told me Kentrell would show me around the school so it didn't feel like I was just left all by myself. The past few days we have been hanging out and getting to know each other. And right now in the matter of just 4 days he we consider one other our best friends.
I woke up and Kentrell drove us to school. We walked in and he dropped me off at the office, when I went in I noticed to other girls there.

"Hi I'm Noelle Banks and it's my first day here." I told the women behind the desk.

"Okay so since it's you first day these two young women will be here and you will shadow them, you and Sierra have similar schedules."

she said standing up pointing to the girl with black hair and tattoos.

"You and Jaylynn have the same exact classes" She said pointing to the girl with Bright Red hair. I smiled at the lady behind the desk said thank you. walked towards the Sierra and Jaylynn and smiled at them.

"Bye Mrs Williams!" The girls said in sync.

"Ok so now that we are out the office we can actually talk" Sierra said.

What I learned from Sierra and Jaylynn is they are the nicest people ever, they don't take shit from anyone, they usually only hang around each other, and they hang out with Kentrell but only rarely. 

"First off we want you to know that we aren't teachers pets or none of that shit, we don't really like her like that we just gotta be nice because she know everyone and they're mommas numbers" Jaylynn said.

I just nodded and laughed. 

"so tell us about yourself, when new students come we get the whole period along with your shadower(s) to get to know each other or we just to skip and use it as a tour of the school, they won't mark you tardy or absent, if you are one of those students who care about stuff like that" Sierra mentioned.

"oh, nah I don't really care about attendance but don't get it confused, I might not show up but I got good grades, but I'm from St. Louis I have 3 siblings and that's pretty much it, I'm really a quiet person and like to keep my business to myself but once I get comfortable I will open up to y'all." I told them and they just nodded and smiled.

"See we don't hang around a whole lot of people and we don't except just anybody to be friends with, but you we can make an exception with. So just so you know there is only two things we go by, we try to go to every party and we have fun." 

we pretty much just walked around the school for the rest of first period and they told me about themselves exchanged numbers and social media account, and we just chilled out. they are really cool people and we only stopped twice for Sierra to hit her vape in the bathroom she offered and I excepted. 

"Girl you hit that like it's not your first, it seemed to me that you were a good girl type" she commented. 

"no it's not my first, my fourteen year old sister and I smoke all the time, I only do it when my mom not around but she does it all the time."

I pulled one out of my bag and just held it in my hand until we got in the hallway and then I put it in my pant pocket. Jaylynn started to tell me about herself mentioning that she loved to party, likes to go out, shop and loves to sing. The bell rang and we all walked to the last period, me and Jaylynn had math honors and Sierra just had regular math. we went in and since there was a empty seat next to Jaylynn and class started and I saw Kentrell was also in the class and we just made eye contact and he sat down with his people and just starred at me the whole time I don't even think he was even paying attention to the teacher. 

"We have a test tomorrow, Noelle if you want to skip this test you can it doesn't matter nothing will be deducted from your grade in this class." Mr Wilson said 

Personally I felt underestimated due to the work we had in class it was stuff I already knew so I told him I will take the test. I did tell Kentell and Jaylynn that I was smart, but when I told him that I was going to take the test they both looked at me with surprised faces and I just smiled.

Once the bell rang I knew it was time to go home and I was ready today had been a very long day as I was walking down the hallway Jaylynn and Sierra offered to drive me home and I excepted and told Kentrell that I didn't need a ride. I got dropped off at home and Kentrell was already in my room just waiting along with Vaeh. So how was your day I asked Vaeh. 

"It was alright I gotta shadow people for the next two days, not too much. she said as she was vaping. what about you."

"I made some friends and I have a test tomorrow. I told her following her question"

"oh so you already being a damn show off, I know that teacher probably gave you the option to skip it too, you know one day that shit is gonna make you seem like a teacher pet and a goody goody" 

Kentrell looked confused. "what do you mean show off already?"

"Oh you haven't told him the week you have been here, anyway since you are clueless and Ms Noelle Smart-Smart didn't mention it to you." she said while rolling her eyes. "Ever since she was in the third grade she has always been doing math a grade higher than everyone and always got recognized at every award show in elementary and middle school graduation. Mom brags about it all the time to her friends. So since she is in her senior year of High School she is currently doing sophomore collage work am I right?" she said turning towards me.

"Um yep that's right I said smiling. Don't think that the bragging doesn't get annoying believe me it does." 

"damn Elle so your smart, do you think you wouldn't mind helping me, I never really understood math and it would mean a lot to me if you helped me." he said. 

sure I could help it shouldn't be hard.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 12, 2022 ⏰

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