Sealing The Deal

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It's my third month of working here and it's time for my next report to my boss about my work progress. Just the usual. The first two went well despite feeling a bit uneasy with him... He always looks stressed or stiff and it's hard to read his face when he's listening to my little presentation on my current progress at the company.
Mr. Nanami... atleast his name sounds nice.

"Good afternoon boss"

"Good afternoon y/n, how's work going?"

Of course he's asking me this...

"Pretty good, I'm here for my monthly report, as scheduled."

"Alright. Shall we start?"

"Yes, of course"

I can feel it in the air that he's stressed. To be honest I am stressed too, I knew this job is going to be hard but I did not expect to be this stressing... if only I could release it somehow. Everything would go a lot smoother and I could do a better job and maybe get a higher position. I studied a lot to be here and I deserve it.

I finished presenting when i saw Nanami stand up and sit on his desk only halfway. Beginning to point things out to me and explain some stuff.

He was tall, blonde and I could see that he was fit trough his clothes. He always wore the same tie, it was a yellow one with a patchy design on it. Interesting.
It was only now that I noticed that he had a slight boner. I quickly looked back at his tired face. Where was I even looking. I have no idea how did my attention get there. But it was too late. He stopped talking and looked at me with a serious face, the left side of his lips slightly smiling.

"Did you understand everything? Do you have any questions?"

"Everything is clear Sir."

"You don't look like that"

He stood up and started walking towards me. He had a big office with his big desk and comfortable chair surrounded with lots of bookcases filled with classics. He must be a really educated man. He also had a red sofa, just behind my back. The view from his office was amazing, you could see the whole city trough the big glass windows.

"Are satisfied with your position at the company? You seem to be hard working so far but I think you can do a little bit more. You have the potential for a higher position."

He had a slight smirk on his face now, I could see his eyes studying my face trough his glasses. His eyes moved down slowly on my chest and back again on my face.

"I think that I am capable of handling a higher position. I would do any job given to me that would guarantee to move me higher."

I like money and I like spoiling myself. The higher my position is the more money I get.

"I think that there are many things that you could teach me boss. I assume you've been at my position too"

"Yes, I've been there and it was hard to get here but that doesn't mean that it has to be hard for you too"

Now it clicked. I could basically get anything with the little gift between my legs. I would be stupid not to take advantage of this situation. He looks hot anyways, I have nothing to loose. Atleast he can release his stress too. It's a win-win situation.

"Oh, I'm curious now boss. My attention is all yours."

We both sat down on the sofa, pretty close to each other. It was the end of the day and most of the workers left, it was probably just us on this level of the building.

He pulled a bit on his tie to make it looser, the bulge on his crotch was still there.
He put his hand on my hand and looked into my eyes.

"I can give you a higher position if you give me a taste of you."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 17, 2022 ⏰

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