Chapter One

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The sound of music filled the entirety of the bar. There are several patrons that choose to dance both on the tables and right next to the band on stage. Even the few that choose not to dance move their head with the rhythm of the music while they sip their drinks. The setting sun only signals that this will go on deep into the night.

Not that Tobias' minds as much, the drunker the patron the bigger the tip usually, or at least the better the secret. Which is in Tobias' line of work, secrets can be worth more than any amount of silver or gold that can be coughed up. It's why he decided to take on the job of a barkeeper on the edge of Unseelie territory.

It's a way to keep in the loop of what's happening in the war. Not that drunken secrets were always his main source of information. No, before the information was freely given to him by the Kings' military themselves. Back when he was still known as the best and undefeated. Back when he didn't have an escaped mark looming over his head and ruining his career before it truly began.

Now, he stands behind a bar and watches and listens. Hoping for an opening that can put him back on track. He turns his back to the band and goes back to cleaning the counter. His mood, like whenever he thinks of his botched assassin job, slowly darkens.

"Most people smile when they hear joyous music," an amused-sounding voice says. It cuts through his thoughts and causes him to look at the source; his scowl remains in place.

The voice belongs to a woman who looks more tree than a person, nymph his mind supplies, who continues to stare at him with amusement. Her posture is relaxed and open and immediately his own posture stiffens. Nobody this far out from either kingdom stays fully relaxed. Between raids, deadly creatures, and humans the chance of falling into a bad situation is too high.

Total relaxation is a luxury only those who travel with the Knights can afford.

Tobias casually looks around the bar as he picks up a glass to clean. He tries to keep his movements natural and slow as he takes in the surroundings. Then he spots the outliner in his environment. A man who sits by the door without food or drink and no companions.

Solitude isn't damning evidence by any means, especially to someone like Tobias who spends more time with his own shadow than another sentient being. What gives the man away is the small gleam of sliver that peaks out from his jacket. A dagger that Tobias would bet all the secrets in the world holds the Unseelie Knights crest.

"I could kill you before he even thinks about reaching for that dagger you know," Tobias says. He continues to clean the glass mug in front of him and tries not to clench his teeth when the nymph in front of him only smiles wider.

"They did say you were the best," she replied, "So I would expect nothing less. That said, we're here to offer a deal of sorts."

Tobias knew he couldn't escape without at least hearing the woman out. He highly doubts she only came here with only one Knight, most likely the others are outside the bar and awaiting orders. Or simply looking for a reason.

"Offer, an interesting choice of words," was his only reply. A reply that garnered a sheepish look from the woman. She lifted her hand in a motion that symbolled her conceding to the point made.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 27, 2022 ⏰

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