Kinda misplaced sorry •_•

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Sorry I really don't know where to put this but I have had this idea for while. It's an AU idea for Yandere Simulator. I've nicknamed it the "No Effort Eliminations AU" since Ayano Aishi doesn't have to do anything for the rival(s) to be eliminated.

Basically it focuses on different death or reasons for rivals to stay away from Taro Yamada/Senpai (ew I hate calling him senpai don't kill me) that have nothing to do with Ayano.

An example is Amai Odayaka gets poisoned at a baking event by one of the other competitors or Oka Ruto dying after being possessed. So they all have to do with the the character specifically and aren't just general deaths.

I know this is random and I know I need to get chapter 8 of My Name Is... out but I got overly excited about this when I found a notebook with notes in it for this AU.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 27, 2022 ⏰

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