Passing Notes

169 7 13

‼️TW!: idek, Cartman calling Kyle a Jew? Cringe writing? 💀


  "Wendy! Wendy, look what I drew!" Little 9 year old Y/n cheered as she rushed up to her best friend.

  "Woah, that's so awesome, Y/n!" The little girl with the pink hat smiled, scanning over the drawing that, to her, seemed like quite the masterpiece.

  "Thank you, Wendy!" The (h/c) girl said, looking over her crappy 9 year old drawing of a flower, "I'm gonna give it to Eric!"

  "But why?" Wendy frowned, putting a hand on her friends shoulder, stopping her from turning and leaving, "Cartmans never been nice to you, he's always been a big jerk! Why do you even like him??"

This caused Y/n to frown, looking back down at her drawing. It was true, ever since Y/n moved to South Park, Eric Theodore Cartman had been nothing but a huge dick to her. And of course, to everyone else as well.

And usually, that kind of person isn't someone she'd like. But with Eric it was just different. She couldn't explain how, or why, it just was. She loved Eric Cartman with every inch of her 4th grader heart, and she was gonna show it, damnit!

She fiddled with the paper for a second, before she put on a smile.

  "Well, come on, Wendy, he's just playing around!" The girl stated hopefully, her (e/c) eyes filled with a faith that Wendy just couldn't understand, no matter how hard she tried, "He does the same to everyone, it's not like he's picking on me personally because he hates me!"

  "Ok, Y/n," Wendy gave up, pushing out a sigh. No matter what she did, she couldn't make her sweetheart of a friend see that Cartman really was just a giant douche. "Just... Don't let him hurt you, okay?"

Y/n grinned, nodding her head before turning and dashing off towards the playground. It was still recess, and it looks like she still had-

A minute?!?!

Her eyes widened, her lips parting in shock. How could there only be a minute left of recess left?!? How was she supposed to get to Eric in time to give him her super sick drawing?! The 9 year old girls' head raced as she began to run. To Cartman, of course.

As he appeared in her sight, she took a moment to take in the fact that he was playing football with the boys. She smiled, thoughtfully taking in each and every one of his features.

Y/n had only met Mrs. Cartman once, but based on that experience, she could tell that Eric Cartman was a spitting image of his mother, And boy, was his mother beautiful. She had perfect features, Y/n had thought, and she was kind. Though Eric hadn't quite inherited the kindness, he sure had inherited the good looks.

  "Uhm, can we help you, Y/n?" A voice snapped the 9 year old out of her thoughts, that voice belonging to Stan Marsh.

  "Oh, I, uhm-" The (h/c) kid was cut off harshly by the screaming of the bell, making her groan in annoyance. It seemed that she was always interrupted somehow, "Nothing."

Irritably, Y/n made her way to class, sitting down in her assigned seat in Mr. Garrisons class. Nobody really liked Mr. Garrison, but Y/n never really minded him. But still, since everyone else complained about him, Y/n did too, just to fit in or something.

Anyways, her assigned seat was just in between her friend Wendy and crush Cartman. Huh, what a coincidence. She fiddled with the drawing in her hands as other students flooded into the classroom. Maybe she should just give it to him during class, like she was passing a letter.

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