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Alyson and Oliver have become the closest things I've had to call anyone at this school a friend. They seem to be happy to be by my side when they can most likely be with anyone they chose. Sitting in the middle of the cafeteria Alyson is doodling in her sketchbook while Oliver seems to be about to rip out the pages of our chemistry textbook.

"I hate chemistry!" His eyebrows scrunch together as his lips curves down in a frown.

"You just hate it because you don't understand it," his eyes go to me, where someone else would see just blackness I see his understanding.

"Just like the rest of them." The rest of the school hate us because they don't understand us. They stay away knowing that even though we are a great mystery to them the part that they do know is menacing.

"I have an idea I've been wanting to run by you two," Alyson finally breaks away from her drawing trance and looks at me. Even though we're friends I still feel somewhat alone. We're sitting together but Alyson and Oliver are on one side while I sit on the other, alone like usual.

Oliver slams his book shut making the people walking by jump up a bit and walk faster by us. "What's your famous idea, Alyson?" He leans his head lazily to the side and rolls his eyes up to see her.

Alyson mockingly mumbles at Oliver when she looks at me her facial features turn serious. "I was thinking about you two when this popped into my head," Oliver straightens his head and looks at her.

"What is it?" I lean in closer trying to hear her better.

"What if you show everyone that you're not the bad guys but instead the protectors of this city?" My lips set in a stern line.

"Protectors of the city? We can barely protect our own asses," Oliver scoffs and aggressively opens up his book once again flips through it like a madman.

"I have some studying to do, "Alyson's eyes refuse to look at us, "I'll see you around." Alyson quickly grabs her belongings and rushes away from us before I have a chance to tell her anything.

"Oliver!" I narrow my eyes at him as he acts like he is busy reading about, my eyes look down at the text, covalent bonds. "God damn it, Oliver!" My hand shoots out and grabs ahold of the book flinging it to the side.

His eyes stay locked on the table top but his breathing is shallow.

"Don't you dare ignore me," the words make their way through my clench lips into deaf ears. Oliver stays still, "why are you being a complete jerk to Alyson? She is one of the few people that actually believe in us. That's not afraid of us."

Finally, his eyes look up at me and my body tightens up. His eyes are no longer black they are emanating the glowing hue of blue that I've never seen on anyone else. The blue that tells me he is so close to losing control. Here, in the cafeteria, where no one can stop him, no one, except me.

"Cassie! We know that if she stays by our side she's only going to get killed. Might as well make her hate us before her friendship to us takes her away from her family and friends." Oliver slams his fist against the tabletop freezing the place where his hands come to contact with.

"Oliver, calm down." I breathe out trying not to get anyone's attention. My eyes scan the cafeteria and everyone is already looking at us. Why wouldn't they be looking they're terrified of us?

Sliding out of my seat I get to my feet and stand before Oliver. "Are you scared of me Cassie?" His hooded eyes make him look even more menacing.

"I'm not scared of you Oliver." His hands crack as a layer of ice laces over them. "I'm scared of what's inside you," the ice slowly crawls up his arms as the glowing blue of his eyes starts darkening.

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