IX | Work as a team

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"I won!"

"I won!"

Azure and Fika shouted one after another, before they laid their swords on the floor.

Welkin smiled when he saw that his prediction that Fika and Azure would win was correct, but something was missing.

Who'll win is it Hyyge or is it Ataraxis?

Ataraxis and Hygge's never-ending battle between Ataraxis and Hygge did not stop.

"Just give up!" Ataraxis shouted at Hygge and hit Hygge with her sword but she was caught immediately.

"You're the one who needs to give up." Hygge said.

The tiredness in their voices is obvious from the endless fight between them and Ataraxis. But one of them seems to have no intention of giving up. They have the same strength, so each time they defend their two swords, the impact is different.

"Go Ataraxis!" Meraki and Fika shouted.

"Go Hyyge!" Azure and Yūgen shouted also.

The surroundings were noisy due to the drunkenness of the swords but the old wizard didn't care.

He just sat on a big root of a tree while leaning on its body. He blows on the pipe he is holding before speaking.

"This is going to be fun." He whispered to himself while closing his eyes and smiling.

Five days had passed and they had learned so much.

"We only have ten days of training left so we have to pour it all out. We're not playing kids, we have a world to save." Welkin said seriously as he walked in front of the six warriors.

The six are sloppy faces due to their messy and dirty clothes due to intense training. They can't even take a bath or groom themselves for this training.

"Now I need you to learn to cooperate with each other. I need you to act as one." It says more seriously.

In front of the six warriors there is a gold key with a red ruby ​​in the middle.

There was astonishment on the faces of the six as they examined the key in front of them.

"Mister Welkin, what shall we do with this key?" Yūgen asked Welkin in surprise as he seriously examined the key.

"Now you want us to look for treasure?" Ataraxis asked without emotion while leaning against a large tree.

"No Ataraxis you're wrong. Let me explain things first. Your second training is about teamwork. I'm going to put that key here in my necklace and you need to get it, in order to open that chest." Welkin said once pointing to a treasure chest behind him.

"Mister welkin we don't need wealth now, because all we need is food." Meraki said as he rubbed his stomach as if she was very hungry.

"You starved us for three days mister, give us food first now if you don't want us to starve." Azure said.

"Or if you want we'll just eat you!" Yūgen suddenly shouted while holding the spoon and fork.

His friends looked at him as if they didn't know whether to laugh or feel sorry for what Yūgen was thinking of saying.

"I didn't starve you for nothing. It's part of the training fools." Welkin answered them all.

Welkin took the gold key and put it on his necklace.

"Here's the game. You need to get the key to open the chest. In order to win you need the word teamwork." Welkin said before it quickly disappeared.

The six immediately looked around, risking their eyes to hit Welkin but they were wrong. It was gone even with his shadow.

"You have to find me and get the key." Welkin cried out from nowhere.

The three immediately took their swords while the other two, Fika and Yūgen, took a bow.

"Basic." Smiling Yūgen said before it ran into the forest.

"I need the key." Azure said to himself.

"Let's go Fika." Meraki said running away with Fika into the forest.

Hygge and Ataraxis remained in the camp and were stunned.

"This is not right." Ataraxis said without emotion as she seriously marched in front of Hygge while holding her chin.

"Ataraxis I'm sorry about the training." Hygge nodded.

Because the battle between Ataraxis and Hygge's ended when Hygge use his power that was able to stop time. He stopped the time to rest due to fatigue, and while everyone stopped he blew Ataraxis a powder potion to make her feel drowsy, so in the end he won because Ataraxis voluntarily gave up, due to drowsiness.

"Nah don't mention it. I'm still mad, but we need to cooperate. We need to work as a team like what we always do." Ataraxis said figuratively while looking at Hygge.

"I will go to the left side of the forest and you to the right. Let's find our siblings and bring them to this place so we can plan what to do." Hygge said seriously before he ran to the left side of the forest.

Ataraxis immediately followed him.

And in less than an hour they met and gathered in one place.

"Here's the plan we're going to get the key and we'll open the chest so we can eat." Said Yūgen.

Everyone looked at him as if disappointed.

"Yūgen that is not a plan, it's a wishlist!" Fika shouted at him.

"Listen i always told you that, none of us is smart as all of us. So we need to work as a team like we always do." Ataraxis said seriously. They're all just seriously listening to every utterance of her mouth they're listening and learning.

Ataraxis suits the word leader because she can planned and protect her comrades no matter happened.

After the explanation of Ataraxis, Yūgen raised his hand and ready to ask a question.

"Yes Yūgen?" Ataraxis ask Yūgen while formally looking at him.

"What if the plan doesn't work?" Yūgen ask.

Ataraxis give her a small smile and tap his shoulder.

"If the plan doesn't work change the plan but never the goal."  Ataraxis said with a smile on her face.

They all smiled to Ataraxis as if they're so proud of her as their leader.

Everyone stood up and began to do the things that Ataraxis had assigned to them. The team work starts now.

To be continued...

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