Part 2: Jake

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I wondered who wrote that. From the handwriting, it seemed like a girl wrote it. The letters were too wide to be a boy's handwriting, even for me. Without a care in the world, and of course, out of boredom, I decided to reply:

"Hey :) x."

That seemed like a perfect response. I was contemplating whether to add the 'x' at the end for quite a while, but since the stranger wrote it, I decided to comply. I desperately wanted this person to reply, seemed like the only person who hasn't judged me yet. I subtly placed the note in around the area I found it. I wasn't worried about the cleaners cleaning it up, the windowsills were filthy! They looked like they haven't been clean for 10 years from all the chewing gum and chocolate wrappers.

Hopefully the stranger will find it.


The familiar sound of the school bell bounced around the classroom and everyone hurriedly shoved everything from books to iPods into their bags and started to leave for Period 2.

"Oi bender! What do we have next?" someones shouted from a distance. Justin...

Justin Pratt cannot go two seconds without expressing his alpha male-like behaviour and he certainly lived up to his last name. What I don't get is that the teacher didn't do anything. It's as if as soon as the bell goes, his brain switches off, leaving a body behind. He just stares blankly at the screen on his laptop - maybe he's on Facebook, talking to his wife. He's done it before, He left the class to go to the bathroom and one of "rebels" ran to his laptop and announced it to the whole class.

"Chemistry," I said weakly.

It's hard to believe that I have 4 classes with Pratt: Psychology, Chemistry, History and Maths.

"I didn't think that a nob like him had the brain cells to be in the top academic sets as me," I constantly say to Jemma as well as myself, just to attempt to make me feel better, but it doesn't work. It just makes me feel that I'm being just like them, thinking and saying horrible things about others without truly knowing them. It just makes me feel worse.

"Unlucky mate," his mate Nick added. "Looks like you're gonna be stuck with the bender for the rest of the day."

Nick Twatt acts just like Justin, they could be the same person if I wasn't looking at them, but he isn't as tall or as stocky as Justin. They've always been there. The Twatt-Pratt duo. You hear a homophobic comment, followed by a hysterical series of laughter, nine times out of ten, it would be them. There are particuarly worse when they sit near or next to each other, unfortunately, Nick sits behind Justin in Psychology. It's hard to believe that I was, friends, with them. As soon as they joined the school football team, got popular and got girlfriends, they turned on me quicker than you can say "frenemies." In my school, you're a nobody unless you're in the football team, especially if you're a striker like Justin or a goalkeeper like Nick. I'm not good at football at all, I'm socially awkward and no girl fancies me, so I got left behind.

I got up and walked as quickly as I could towards the door without looking weird or camp, though it was hard. But before I could turn to go to Chemistry, Justin and Nick were there, blocking me.

"Where do you think you're going, Jake?" Justin grinned evily.

Before I could attempt to run, Justin grabbed my jumper and threw be against the opposite wall and pinned me against it, Nick watching the whole time.

"Let me go!" I demanded pathetically.

Justin smirked and punched me in the stomach, Nick there clapping with approval. I wince in pain, trying my hardest to not scream out, due to the fear of getting a harder punch the next time. I notice that Nick's clapping ever so slightly subsides, it was subtle, but I could tell.

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