Moved In

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You just moved in about a month ago. Your parents didn't want you to go straight into school, so instead you sat in your house and waited for moving vans to come in and out of your small janky driveway.
It was your first day.
You dressed pretty out there for a senior in highschool, wearing accessorized clothing and heavy chains with dark makeup. You got looks from random weirdos as you walked by. God, they are all just conformists.

After talking to the admins in the office, you walked down the empty hallway to your new homeroom. You took a deep breath and opened the creaky polished wood door..
Eyes. All on you. You shivered as everyone turned to you. Some of the girls in the back whispered to eachother. You scoffed angrilly, making your way to the only empty seat. You sat in front of this nerd kid. Glasses. Long, brown grown out hair. He seemed kinda awkward. But, he looked ok. You felt eyes digging into your neck like daggers.

"Well class, I would like everyone to meet our new student. y/n l/n, please stand up and introduce yourself to the class. No pressure, of course."

Sure. No pressure.

You sighed and stood up, your chains jingling as you stood.
"Uh.. My name is Y/N, but please call me N/N... Uhh.."

You looked around the room awkwardly. Your eyes met with the nerdy kid behind you.

"Uhm.. yeah. Don't do drugs."

Dont do drugs!?? What the hell was that, you idiot??? God. This is the worst. Might as well quit and kill yourself now.

You sat back down, covering your face with your hands. This sucks ass.

----------------------Time Skip----------------------

You got your stuff from your locker, getting ready to head somewhere empty to eat your lunch. You sigh as you get your bag with food in it.
A long finger taps your shoulder. You turn around quickly, startled. Oh. Its him.

The nerdy kid from before stared you down, almost towering over you. Your buckled platforms made that height difference not as large.

"Uhh.. I-I just wanted to tell you that the uhh.. joke you made earlier in um.. Home room? 'Dont do drugs', that was pretty funny."

Your face turned off-pink, flattered.
"Thanks. It wasnt really supposed to be funny, but im glad it is to someone."

He walked awkwardly away, to a group of two friends. They seemed to have been watching you talk to him. They were cheering him, you could hear the "WOOOO!" from where you stood.
Oh well.

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