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A/N~ Guys I'm at 3.12K reads, thank you!! <33

Avery's POV

"Hey I can walk you to your next class if you want?" I asked Andrew. If I knew one thing when I joined here was that the experience was much better when I had Walker to show me around, he was so kind to me and I want to be that person for Andrew.

"Yeah that would be great thanks." Andrew said a huge smile had spread across his face. Aww cute. No Avery stop. What about Walker? WALKER!

"So what lesson do you have next?" I asked him. Trying to forget about Walker.

"Erm" he started checking his timetable. A smile started spreading across his face."Science" He said.
"You seem excited about that" I said. Giggling at his excitement.
"Yeah I really like science, I like to see all the chemicals mix together its fun." He said. I payed close attention to him when he was talking about science and he had this little sparkle in his eyes when he was talking about it. Frankly I thought it was adorable.

I walked Andrew to his next lesson which was easy to do because we were right next to eachother apart from the fact that he had chemistry and I had physics. I found physics okay just it was a bit hard to comprehend sometimes, but when uts the days that you get the easy lessons I find it okay.

After physics, I decided to introduce Andrew to Walker, it would be nice for Andrew to have some guy friends other than just me. My class got let out 2 minutes earlier than the other classes because we had a supply teacher so that was very fun. I spent my extra 2 minutes of freedom waiting outside Andrews classroom not in a creepy way. I had made up my mind. I was going to introduce him to Walker. And yeah. I'm not sure what is going to happen after that but we will cross that bridge when we come to it.

My thoughts got interrupted by someone tapping my shoulder. "Oh hey Andrew." I said. "Would you like to meet one of my other friends?" I asked. I was really hoping he would say yes so I could get a chance to talk to Walker. We haven't spoken well since the very awkward dinner my mum decided to make happen.

"Yeah sure." Andrew said. The cutest smile arriving on his face once again. I walked Andrew around the school in hunt for Walker until we finally found him at the field playing football with the other guys.

"Hey Walker!" I shouted "Come and meet Andrew will you?" Walker came strutting over, fixing his gorgeous hair and keeping his blue eyes locked with mine the whole time he was walking, unintentionally making my day once again. He never failed to impress me.

"Hey Avery!" Walker said pulling me in for a hug. Wow. That's new. I blushed. That was new but it was so good. Andrew cleared his thoughts casuing me to look at him and not Walker.

"Oh yeah, sorry I forgot the whole reason why we were here. I got distracted haha." I laughed. Breaking tension isn't really my strength but I gave it a go. Hey can't blame me for trying. I jsut hugged Walker a guy I had a huge massive crush on, infront of Andrew a guy I also had a crush on. Well that was fun. "Andrew this is Walker, Walker this is Andrew." I said introducing the two boys.
"Hey man what's up?" Andrew said, he seemed like he wanted to be friends with Walker and I don't blame him, Walker hasn't go that many friends but only because he doesn't want that many, 'to keep put of drama' he says but I believe there is more to it than that, but the select few of us who are friends with Walker wouldn't have it any other way. Me included. I am so lucky to have a friend like Walker. There is just one problem; my crush on him. I still haven't figured out a way to tell him I fancy him but right now my main focus was to make Walker and Andrew friends.

Walker just started Andrew down, giving him the cold shoulder. Wow. What has gotten into him? I ask myself. This isn't the Walker I knew. This certainly isn't the Walker I was telling Andrew that was amazing and the best like 30 seconds ago. This was a new Walker. A different Walker. A Walker I quite didn't like. "Avrey how's your day been?" Wlaker asked, completely brushing off Andrew as if he was dirt on his shoulder.

"Well I mean it was going fine until you decided to ignore my new friend Andrew over here." I retorted Turing to look at Andre beside me who gave Walker a rather awkward wave. In response to my remark, Walker simply nodded at Andrew before turning back to me and smiling. "Well Avery it was nice talking to you but I've got to go play some footy. You still have my number right? Call me. We should get coffee sometime. I nodded into eponse not sure what else to say.

The rest of break went buy fast until it was time for my next lesson. English. I was soo excited. Andrew told me he didn tneed me to walk him to his next lesson evacuee he knew where he was going so I took the time to myself to jsut aimlessly walk the corridors and hum a little tune to myself.

That was until the sound of my ringtone interrupted my humming.

Annoyed, I answered my phone. "Yes this is Avery...... Yes I did...... Yes tha- NO WAY!! REALLY?! THANK YOU! OMG I PROMISE YOU THAT YOU WILL NOT REGRET YOUR DECISION!!! THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!!" I started jumping up and down in glee.

Walkers POV

On my way to the next lesson, I felt a sudden vibration in my pocket. Ughh what does my sister want now? To remind me that she's off school because she's 'ill' and I'm stuck here with a bunch of sweaty teenagers? Regardless, I picked up the phone. "Ughh what do you want?" I asked. It wasn't my sister. "OMG I am so sorry I thought you were my sister." I profusely apologised to the caller. "Yes....YES I WOULD LOVE TO.....AHHH.. THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!" I didn't care what other people in the corridors thought of me, I was so happy I just started jumping up and down. I quickly texted Avery


Did you get the call?

Avery <3

Yes. Did you get accepted?


Yeah. See you there in 2 weeks?

Avery <3

See you there in 2 weeks blondie :)

Avery's POV

I was so happy he got what he wanted as well. I guess we will be pursuing our dreams together.

A/N~ Guys sorry for not posting yesterday the chapter wasnt finished

I fell in love with you- Walker ScobellWhere stories live. Discover now