Demetri's Manipulation

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The boy finally decided to speak after what felt like forever of him just staring  , "So you started a riot huh ? Pretty bold I admire that "

I mustered a faint laugh under my breath as I replied "I can't take the credit , I didn't want a riot at all " I kept my eyes on the piece of bread in my hands refusing to meet the strangers eyes who were unapologetically refusing to look away.

"Hmm that's a shame , riots are a load of fun . I definitely had my hand in making it worse " he laughed with a sense of proudness

I finally decided to meet the boys gaze , as our eyes met I noticed he was rather handsome and carried a devilish grin with pride and ego written all over his face . "How did you make it worse ? "

He sat up straight as he slipped one of his arms through the bars in between us and held out his hand , "If you want me to indulge your curiosity, I'll need something in return "

I rolled my eyes knowing what he was asking for , I began  tearing the piece of bread into two as I handed him half , he grabbed the bread and pulled his arm back to his side of the cell tearing off a piece and throwing it into his mouth .

"So ? " I asked impatiently

"Oh you want to know now ? "

"Obviously ! I didn't just sacrifice half of my bread to sit here and watch you enjoy it "

The boy laughed at my words throwing another piece of the bread into his mouth

"Whatever " I said annoyed as I turned away from him facing the empty cell on the other side of me , I watched a rat feast on random crumbs sprawled across the empty cells floor as I could hear the boy chewing .

I slowly started to feel my eyes getting heavier and I was about to fall asleep until the boy rudely tapped me on the shoulder , without turning to face him I replied to his demanding taps "what ? "

"Your half of the bread almost fell on the floor , if you're just  going to soak it in prison muck you might as well give it to me " 

I tightened my loose grip on the bread that almost met the cells floors  and started eating it without saying a word . 

The boy chuckled softly  "So what's your name ? "

I kept eating without replying to him and gently tore off a small crumb , throwing it to the rat in the empty cell . The rat quickly grabbed the crumb and started nibbling on it . I had no interest in conversations  , I was still feeling heavy with regret that I ever handed the cloth to that woman . If only I had known it was going to end with me sitting in a cell next to an annoying boy trying to play games with me .

The boys words broke my thoughts as he spoke, 
" ahh the silent treatment, I guess I deserve that . Well you see I'm gifted in the art of manipulation , I always get what I want one way or another . I was in the tavern creating distractions as I treated myself to some wine , some time passed and I heard people chanting outside , It seemed like a prime opportunity to create some trouble for the old lord" the boy laughed again as I heard him shuffling around .

Ahh makes sense why I've never seen him before , he probably spends a lot of time in the tavern or these cells . I've never cared for the wine here .

I turned to face the boy as he was now standing against the wall looking outside the window again .
I stood up and reached my arm out towards him , "my name is Pandora " .

The boy looked at me and smiled while shaking my hand , his hand was rough with calluses and also warm despite how cold the cell was  "Nice to finally meet you Pandora , the name's Demetri , I've heard a lot about the girl who was born from evil "

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