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The wine bottle was empty. I put down the bottle and looked at the clock. It was ten thirty already. I went back to the kitchen to take another bottle of wine. Actually, I should not have drank so much. I have a low alcohol tolerance. What if I babble nonsense in front of him? I do not want that to happen. That would be too embarrassing. I am a strong and confident woman. I am determined to keep up my image at whatever cost. Even if the whole world has collapsed, I will still stand on top of the ruins and hold my head high.

How would he think of me, what would he say, I no longer care. He is no longer my husband. In the past, my whole heart was with him, my eyes only looked at him, my ears only listened to his words. Now that we have divorced, my status of a servant has been elevated to a general. I am relieved.

The TV host asked Wen Qian about her first date with her first love. She vaguely answered that it was in the school. I suddenly thought, where did I have my first date with Cheng Rui?

I remembered that it was at a noodle shop in the corner. It was summer. Against the setting sun, the two of us sat inside the small and stuffy shop and ate our beef noodles, sweating profusely. Cheng Rui was a big and unfriendly boy that time. “Missy, you have the time in the world but I rely on myself to earn my keep at night. You can play, but please let me off!”

I grinned from ear to ear, “Do you want another bowl of iced green bean soup?”

He looked troubled. His dignity and appetite were in a battle but he finally chose to abandon his dignity for the bowl of iced green bean soup.

That was our beginning, a poor and young boy who got together with an innocent and young girl. Their story began like any romantic young couple out there. I was attracted to him just by hearing him sing love songs. He was attracted to me just by watching me busy in his small kitchen. At that time, no one would have thought that after many years later, two weary adults would sit down on a table to sign a legal paper titled ‘Divorce Agreement’.

Many couples can go through thick and skin together, but not all can enjoy the fruit of their labour together.

The doorbell rang. I jumped up, quickly hid the wine bottle and hurriedly rinsed my mouth before opening the door.

Behind the door was actually Yue Ru jie, Cheng Rui’s manager.

It was half past ten, not early anymore. I rushed to the kitchen to make her a cup of lemon tea. When I went out, she was holding and looking at the photo that I threw at the corner earlier on. She said, “You are very cold-hearted once you make the determination to do something.”

I shrugged, “Otherwise, how would you call that determination.”

She took the cup, and started persuading me.

“Everything will turn for the better. You thought that you have reached a dead route, but who knew there would still be a door hiding behind the dark? Both of you will regret for making such a hasty decision.

I asked, “What is happening outside?”

She snickered, “I’ve switched off all my phones but if both of you intended to occupy the headlines, then you all have succeeded. ”

I am a little tired striking this conversation, “Even if you want to help us patch up, you can’t help much now. There are so many people divorcing these days. Why can’t we get a divorce?”

Look, how interesting. When ordinary citizens get a divorce, they would say that it is nothing. Look at how many celebrities are divorcing now. When we get a divorce, we would say that so many people are divorcing, us getting a divorcing is nothing.

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