Chapter 22: Garret's Round 2 and his deal?

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Recap: Jack’s parents had just gone up to sleep and Brina stayed with Jessica, but she was going to help in some way….

I touched the door handle and there was a force between me and the door. Mrs. Redstone came down the stairs and she said to me “You can’t leave Emma”

I looked at her with determination in my eyes “But I need to go help them, please”

She shook her head “Sorry I can’t let you, goodnight”

Jack POV:

I was right outside the door and Wyatt said “okay Jessica you take out the guards, while Jack and I go find Garrett and get the necklace.”

Jessica ran in first, the coast was clear so we walked in the backside and it was quiet, too quiet! We heard a voice and we hid while the voice said “Hello Jack and Wyatt, is Emma sick of you two already? You know she doesn’t like secrets being kept from her.”

 I growled “Emma’s not here Garrett”

Wyatt added “Just give us the necklace”

He smiled and took it out of his pocket “Why?”

Jack said “Because she’s not doing well without it”

He sighed “I told her she had to stay with me then I would return it to her”

Wyatt jumped out of his hiding spot and slammed him against the wall of course Garrett was stronger and he threw him on the ground.

Wyatt growled “How dare you”

Garrett looked confused and looked at Wyatt “Why do you care? You have Jessica back”

I looked over and I saw Jessica being held by one of the guards, who was holding her by the arm; she had blood marks on her so she was weakened. Just then I got stabbed and I blacked out.

Wyatt POV:

I stood up and said “I’m in love with Emma though.”

Garrett smirked “Why don’t we see how Jessica feels about that” He walked over to her and I noticed she was in the room. He touched her cheek and said “Jessica, sounds like Wyatt’s in love with Emma, not you”

I interrupted him “I never said that”

She fell to the ground but the guard stood her up again and she let a tear out. Garrett nodded to a guard “Bring Jessica over here towards me and Wyatt too” The guard brought her over and she fought when she got closer to me.

I begged her “Jessica don’t listen to him, I love you.”

She looked up at me “When did this happen?”

I sighed “A month ago when I met her the first time”

She said “I loved you ever since Garrett took me and I couldn’t wait to see you again but obviously I was stupid to think and keep that feeling for you when you moved on already.”

I said “Jessica, I love you it was only a one month love we have had years together please don’t give up on me because of one mistake.”

She looked down at the ground then up at me and I saw tears in her eyes “Maybe 4 years is long enough.”

I pleaded to her “No, Jess don’t talk like that”

She shook her head “Wyatt I need some time”

Garrett said “You’ll have all the time in the world until I get Emma here by my side.”

I looked at him and growled “Why should I, you don’t deserve her Garrett?”

He chuckled “I’m just going to hold onto Jessica and Jack for now”

I begged “Don’t hurt them please”

Jack said weakly “Garrett she isn’t going to come here.”

I saw Garrett smirk at Jack “I think she will want her boyfriend back.”

That’s when Garrett walked over to me “Now, Wyatt drive home and bring Emma to me if you want to see your brother and your ex-girlfriend.”

I nodded I took a look over at Jack he just nodded and said “be careful brother…” and those are the last words I heard him say before I ran out to the car and drove home, thinking of a plan just in case Emma was going to be stubborn.

Hello my loves, thank you for all the reads and votes in this story it means a lot, I challenge you guys to comment below or message me if you have any questions, comments, criticism, idaeas for the story anything, I want to find out if I only have silent readers! SO thank you once again i love you my readers,... <3 ~ :) Love Brina 

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