All The Rules

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No outside drama of any kind. I do not like drama whatsoever so please do not bring outside drama to me or into the roleplay.
Yes, there can be drama in the roleplay but that drama has to stay into the roleplay. There is a limit tho. Do not go over the limit. I will give you three warning before I end the roleplay.

I am one person who has a very busy life out side of this app. I am using this app as an escape from the real world like I'm sure some of you all are do so with that said I will not be on 24/7 because I have a job and I have family to take care of as well and family coming first before anything else.

No killing, suicide, rape, or abuse. If you do any one of those things I will give you one warning and if you do it after I gave you a warning I will end the roleplay and probably block you probably say something on my MB about it so DON'T DO ANY OF THEM!

Do not roleplay with me if you are under the age of 18.
You might be over the age of 18 to roleplay with me.
Do not message me if you are under the age of 18.

I love to do third person but I will do first person as well but I prefer to do third be there's more detail into it and it makes it more realistic.

Do not spam me like I said before I have a busy life outside of this app and spamming me will not get me to answer you any faster it will probably get me to yell at you and probably block you so please do not spam me.

If you have read this far and you understand and will follow my rules please comment down below what your favorite song is.

Please don't not end our roleplay without at least telling me and seeing if we can make it better. And if it doesn't get better for you after we tried than you can tell me and we can end it nicely.

Please do at least 5 to 7 lines in third person.
Please do at least 3 to 5 lines in first person.
If you do not I will give you the same lines you give me and it will probably get boring for us both so please do as much as you can.

Please note that if you get one of my girls pregnant the child stays on this account the child does not leave this account no matter what and if the girl already has a child than you are not allowed to take that child away from her whatsoever. And if one of my guys have a child the child stays on this account because the guy had the child before he met you. Sorry not sorry.

Please have fun with all our roleplay!

Will add more rules if I need to.

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