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Who is he?
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??:Can you tell me where is he?

I looked at him in disbelief he literally has his hand on my mouth!!

??:Sorry I will remove it just don't scream!!

I nodded...he removed his hand

Y/n:First of all who are? , second of all where have you come from? and last why are you here?

??:You speak to much , okay so first of all I am hyunjin , second of all I was trapped and I escaped and last I saw your room so I came in (moking you in your voice)

What a jerk

Hyunjin:Now where is he?

Y/n:Hold you say you escaped why do you want to meet him then

Hyunjin:Uhhh!! Because I have already spoken to- just because

Y/n:Okay I will call jin oppa

Hyunjin:No no no , only yoongi I just had a conversation with him


Before I could call him , there was a knock on my door

Jake: Y/n are you awake!!?

Y/n: Ohh shit!!



Jake:Y/n should I come in?

Y/n:Under the bed idiot

Hyunjin:I am way older than you!!

Y/n:Just go in!!

He went in and hid properly

Y/n:Yea oppa coming

I went and opened the door and saw yeonjun too

Jake oppa came and hugged me

Jake:Are you fine? how are you feeling ?

Y/n:Yess oppa don't worry I am fine now its actually not that big

Jake:Sorry I couldn't protect you first you got and now this is the second one

Y/n:Its fine it will just remain as small scars and the last one wasn't even that bad

Yeonjun: Yup but they can't snatch your beauty and i was soo worried

Y/n:Aww baby thank you and you didn't have to , I am strong..

Yeonjun: Ohh and-

Jin:Yeonjun come down fast!!

Yeonjun: Coming!!!

Jake:Even I will go

They were about to leave but then I remembered


Yeonjun / Jake:Yess!!

Me and jake oppa looked at him in shock

Jake:She meant me!!

Yeonjun: Ahh yea sorry(awkward laugh)

And he went out

Jake:Hmm what you wanted to tell me

Y/n:When you go down please call yoongi oppa

Jake:He is gone out..why though?

Y/n:Ohh....umm because I can't find my..umm charger!! ...he had told me where it is I forgot

Jake:Ohk , he will come ask him and come down for dinner

Y/n:Hmm okay give me 5 minutes!!!

With that he went out and I closed the door

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