First Friend?

80 4 18

Inspired by from_karl a beautiful human being


"Hmmm oooh this one is nice" a girl picking a apple from a tree she had glasses short hair and a colorfull dress mostly a blue lair covering it from underneath
"Ouch ah dum Thorn that came out of nowhere come on mirabel you can handle this it just a dum Thorn" the girl said as she put her thumb in her mouth sucking on it clarifying her name in her head.

Mirabel walks around more into the forest going deeper and deeper she thought she was going around until she realized she got lost

"Ughh why is this forest so huge I should've taken someone with me I can already imagine the scolding and worry faces I am going to get from  mama and abelua and the others "

mirabel said to herself as she sat down on a small rock deciding if she should yell out loud maybe Dolores could hear her I mean she hoped she would after she was apart of an amazing family magrails where everyone in her family had these wonderful gift well except for one specific person...........

Yup that person was her she sighed well she kinda didn't get a gift but also did she was unsure she quote and quote saved her castia her home she saved her family from being "perfect" her abelua finally understood her actions now the whole family was trying to make it up to her they all started to do everything she wanted 
They understood their ways and always apologized when they saw her of course she was grateful she just wished someone actually understands her

"AHHH! Huh? "A glowing light appears around mirabel the last thing she saw was a golden butterfly on her nose before she disapered

In Mexico??????

Miguel was sitting in his room guitar in hand as he was restringing it as thoughts crossed his minds he had been on a crazy adventure he also most couldn't believe it but he was kinda glad he did he found out the truth of his father and fixed his family problems he loved them dearly

Suddenly a flash of light appeared a dog spirit appeared and started going towards him as he disspared before he could even procces what happened



In a room a room where there was a couch a tv a stand lots of food music all sitting there waiting to be touched no one was inside until mirabel poofed inside then not a few seconds after Miguel also poofed inside

"Ugh what?" Said Miguel he fixed himself groaning in pain

Mirabel was trying to find her glasses when she did she put them one fixing them until she spotted a boy he looked younger than her with a red Jacket he looked like he was in pain so she walked towards him still cautious

"Um are you ok"mirabel ask the younger boy

"AHH! Huh who are you?" Miguel asked startled backing up

"My names mirabel Don't worry I am not going to hurt you I promise I am just a 15 year old " mirabel responded quickly

Miguel looked at her she did looked like 15 and she has no weapons neither does she look dangerous

"Um ok mirabel do you know where I am "Miguel ask standing up but still keeping distance

"Um no I thought you would might know where we are last I saw was a golden butterfly then poffed suddenly I am here ahh I sound crazy" mirabel said now realizeing she sounded a bit crazy

"Really I saw the same thing but it was a spirit dog" Miguel said

Before mirabel could respond a paper plane suddenly flew into her head

"AHH what the?! " mirabel fell onto the floor out of fright took the paper plane out of her hair and opened it

"Um are you ok? "Miguel ask concern looking at her as she laid on the ground reading the paper

"Huh yeah I am fine hmm what? "Mirabel said confused

"What is it?"Miguel said

"Well the mysterious paper that fell into my head said that it " teleported" us cause we were"chosen" and we have a lot in common that all it says

"Can I have it? " Miguel said mirabel hands him the paper as he reads the paper everything mirabel is saying is true

"This is weird" Miguel said

"Yup how am I going to get back home my family is going to kill me " mirabel said groaning while she still on the floor

"OH YEAH mine too I totally forgot about that " Miguel said also groaning

"Well what are your family like?I mean if you don't mind me asking" mirabel ask since she here

"Well uh there nice I have a younger sister she 1 or 2 probably 1 and a half I have a cousin she a girl and 2 other cousin and I love them" Miguel said

"That nice guess we have something in common I have 2 tio one Tia my mama and papa I have 2 sisters 3 cousins and an abelua and I also love them" mirabel said

"Wow that a lot of family members" Miguel said surprised

"Yeah my family kind of had a bit of problems but I fixed and were all good now" mirabel said

"Really?!same well a bit" Miguel said

"Hmm wait I know this is a weird question but uhh does are you magical AHhh I sound stupid" mirabel said putting her hand over her eyes

"Well uh kinda I kinda been cursed and got sent to the living dead to fix my family problems I kinda sound crazy now " Miguel said

"Wait really I have to save my castia also my home from getting crushed down because of my family problems since my family is kinda of magical" mirabel said surprised

"Wait magical how" Miguel ask curious

"Well at the age of 5 everyone in my family gets a gift everyone did well kinda I didn't really get one but kinda did? "Mirabel said kinda frustrating

" that so cool wait so do you have a "gift" " Miguel said

"Well I didn't get a gift kinda ahgh well yeah also I put my house together and brought the miracle back so yes I do have a gift I guess I don't know"mirabel said now standing up

"That confusing" Miguel said

"Yup WAIT how did you get cursed" mirabel said now getting interested

"Uh well like you my family problems my family didn't really like music cause of my great great grandpa so my grandma kinda broke my gutair so I went to borrow my idol gutair and got cursed but I got back"Miguel said


"Ehh not really" Miguel said

"That rude as-Well guess we kinda have the same problem I guess my abelua kinda didn't like me cause I had no gift "mirabel said

"And she didn't apologize?" Miguel said

"Nope" mirabel said sighing

"Wow guess we do have somethings in common magical life and abelua problems that caused this" Miguel said

"Yeah I don't know about you but I think we are going to be great friends" mirabel said

"Yup abelua problems squad?"Miguel said stretching his hand out to shake

"Abelua problems squad" mirabel said shaking his hand

The two was just glad they found someone like that some to UNDERSTAND them maybe they'll figure a way out of this mysterious room together

Hey y'all if you guys want me too continue this let me know hoped you enjoy but reader's

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 01, 2022 ⏰

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