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Today is the day I go to Hogwarts and I'm so nervous and sad iv never been away from my family for more then a week imma miss them so much. For the past two weeks since Diagon alley when everyone is asleep iv tried out some small spells that's iv marked in my books that iv been reading non stop. They work pretty well if I do say so myself like on Monday I accidentally broke dad's favorite mug I was trying to simply lift it and well ummm if flew across the room and broke. Oh but don't worry I fixed it with a simple spell and no one even knows well except Dr.Whoo but who is he going to tell ( ha get it who🤣). Or a small charm I used on my Mp3 player so I can listen to music over in the wizard world and it won't die.
Anyways it's currently 8:00 am and my train leaves at 11 am  I'm just in my room packing a few extra things I may need like headphones for my mp3, some diaries and my baby blanket that I sleep with. "ATHENA BREAKFAST" Oliver call from down the stairs " ILL BE DOWN IN A MINUTE"  he yells a quick okay before meeting the rest of gang in the kitchen "LEAVE ME SOME YOU HEATHENS" I yell down to them. I grab my wand and put in my pocket making sure to cover it with my shirt and I won't sit on it. I try and drag my heavy trunk that has been bewitch to hold all of my school supplies and clothes so it was extremely heavy to drag down stairs with out making raisin and Dr. Whoo from falling as there cages where on top. " need some help?" I look up and see my older brother Quinn " yes please" I grab the cages on top and he drags my trunk down the stairs and places it next to the front door.
After breakfast and a quick check on if I really did get everything we left the house to go to the station in London. We had gotten there at 10:15 so we had time for a quick bathroom break and I got some snack for the train ride as well for the first few days at school. A party sized bag of gummy Lifesavers original and a party size bag of Hershey kisses and then last but not least. Two big soda cans of Dr Pepper.
Two week before we had gotten an owl that had a ticket to the train along with instructions on how to get into the platform. We had to run into a wall between platform 9 and 10 to enter platform 9 3/4 after of course making sure nobody was looking we ran one by one into the platform. and it was so cool a really big beautiful train was right in-front of us on the side it said Hogwarts express the platform was packed full of young witches and wizards and their family saying goodbye to there loved ones.
"okay sweet pea come and give me a hug" dad said trying to hold back tears, looking at dads face almost made me cry "oh daddy don't cry because if you cry imma cry and I'm not crying in front of all these people" I give him a big bear hug " I'm so proud of you you are going to do great if only your mother was here to see this" and that is was finally broke me as I started to cry my brother quickly came over to give me a hug bye as well. After about ten minutes of my family crying and saying bye and a lot of hugs my dad and older brother help with putting my stuff on the train Oliver was the saddest I have to say being his twin and all "Oliver I'll be back ok for every holiday and summer and I'll write every day and for our birthday I'll make sure to bring you something awesome okay" "okay imma just miss you" " I'll miss you guys to I'll send pictures as well okay bye I love you guys" after that I pushed my stuff into a empty compartment as I opened the window to talk to them before the train leave in five minutes. the door opened to the compartment and wizard about my age and who was just a wee bit taller than me with black hair and glasses came in " is this seat taken?" He asked " no you can sit" he nodded a quick thank you before asking the two identical twin redheaded boys to help him with his stuff " I'm Fred Weasley and this is my twin brother George Weasley" "Im Athena Whitelock" " I'm Harry Potter" the twins gasp "are you really?" Harry nodded before showing the scar the twins freak out before being called out by there mom. "What was that all about" "apparently I'm super famous" said Harry "oh why" "because I stopped a super evil wizard when I was a baby after he tried to kill me after he killed my parents" my jaw dropped "I-I'm so sorry for your loss, that must of been traumatic, is that how you got the scar?" " the thing is I don't even remember it I was to small the only thing I remember is green light and yea that how I got the scare it where he pointed his wand at me" the conversation stopped there by my dad calling me from the window I look and say bye one last time and blow kisses to them before the train starts to move. And off to Hogwarts I go.
We avoided the topic of being famous after that as i told him about my family how I live with 3 brothers and my dad after my mom had died of cancer when I was only 6. but it was soon interrupted by the door sliding open "hello Ron nice to see you again" I immediately recognize the patch of red hair as Ronald Weasley I'm guessing he's the younger brother of the twins Fred and George. "hello Athena nice to see you again to, can I sit in here everywhere else is full" I nod yes and scoot over allowing him to sit the boys then start talking about Harry and Voldemort the wizard he defeated as a baby. While they where talking I pulled out one of my wizard book and started to read it taking a highlighter and marking important or cool spells that I wanna try out sometime this year. After about 20 minutes I look up because a boy came in looking for a frog names Trevor "no I'm sorry I haven't seen him but I'll tell when I do okay um" "oh im Neville, Neville longbottom" you kept yourself from laughing at the boys last name while Ron and Harry chuckled " I'm Athena, Athena Whitelock" he nodded and left. I open my bag of gummies and continue to read my book " what the heck are those" Ron says taking the bag " first off it's rude to snatch and second it's candy" I say while grabbing my bag back from him. "it's rude to take a lady's food especially this lady's,  if you wanna try just ask but if you put another  finger on my food I will find a curse and make your finger grow into trees!" I yell at him both Ron and Harry nod looking scared. I give them both a handful and leave them be.
Hours have past and the sun was setting Harry bought every item on the food cart and Ron is now trying to turn his old rat scabbers yellow. " I don't think that's a spell" both you and Harry said soon the door opened again and a girl came in." Has anyone seen a toad some boy named Neville lost his, are you practicing magic go on then let's see". Ron tried yet again to turn his rat yellow and nothing happened " are you sure that's a real spell?, well it's not vary good" Hermione said. "Of course iv only tried a few simple ones myself for example" she sat in front on Harry from next to me and pointed her wand at him "oculus Reparo" and in a flash Harry's glasses where fixed and the tape was gone. "wow that's so cool iv done a few spells myself at home" I say amazed. " holy cricket your Harry Potter I'm Hermione Granger and who are you" " I'm Athena Whitelock" "and you are" she asked in a weird tone "I'm Ron Weasley" he said over a stuffed mouth making me giggle he reminds me of my brothers always eating "pleasure, you three better get changed will be arriving soon" I quickly nod and grab my uniform out from my trunk " I'll be right back" I said as I leave my compartment looking at the number so I won't get lost on my way back as I'm walking most compartment doors are open and I can see the group of kids in there I'm guessing this area of the train is mostly for the first year kids because they all look around the same age 11 I find the bathroom and go in and lock the door as a quick change into my robe and hat I look in the mirror and fix a few things before I leave one my way back I got startled by a compartment door randomly opening and a boy with the most beautiful gray eyes and platinum blonde hair which made it look white, came out rather fast. he was wearing normal clothes and he was a bit taller then me around 5,0 or 5,1 at most he was holding folded clothes which I guessed was his robes "I'm sorry I didn't mean to scare you" he said "oh no it's okay I just wasn't expecting it that's all" he tilted his head at your Texas accent but nonetheless let you walk past " thank you" you said as you passed him and went back into your compartment with the boys. You quickly found out Hermione left. Both of the boys had changed already guessing they just changed in in here because they are both boys. You grabbed raisin and put him in your pocket.

Soon you have arrived at Hogwarts.

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