Volume: 1 | Returning to the Third Dimension

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In the personal office of Ainz, he was going through numerous papers and reports given to him by Albedo and Aurea. The reports from Albedo concerns about the various dealings of the guardians such as the improvements that Demiurge has done to the tomb's defenses as well as Aura's several reports upon the surrounding areas.

Though the reports that came from Aurea spoke about the detailed history of the Necron Empire as well as Szrazyn's 'ascension' to Godhood.

He rubbed his skeletal temples from the sheer amount of information from the Empire's history. So much power and technology it wielded that is comparable to a power fantasy of sorts but all of these weapons of mass destruction are powered by science and can be explained with science.

He could barely in his shock and surprise from this, he didn't know what to do anymore.

Laying back on his chair, he stared at the ceiling as he thought about the future, about Nazarick. He continued to go through his thoughts until lightning flickered beside him, the flicker started slow but quickly flickered every second until the form of Szrazyn came.

"ZYN?! Whe-where have you been?!"

Szrazyn looked at his surroundings and nodded then answered his friend's question.

"I am unable to explain the location I was at."

"And why not?"

Szrazyn gave a glare at the undead, to which Ainz flinched at.

"Your feeble and mortal mind cannot comprehend it. Even the mere utter of such dimension will fry your brain and make you a mindless barbarian."

"Ar-are you back to normal at least?"

"Normal? I have no sense of emotions anymore. The personality once designated as Johnathan August Cross has all but been terminated, memories of my former self are in my mind but the personality you once called your friend is gone."

At that answer, Ainz felt something was now lost in him. His friend who he loved as a brother was all but dead as the living-god in front of him said, it was easy to see that Ainz gave off an aura of sadness and sorrow.

"Being designated as 'Ainz Ooal Gown'. I have understood that Sir Johnathan was a being you had a brotherly bond with, correct?"

"That is correct, Szra- wait, what do I call you?"

"You may call me Szrazyn or Zyn but I have designated myself as 'Construct' or 'Warden'."

"May I ask why those names?"

"The name 'Construct' was chosen because I am a construct of the Architect while the name 'Warden' was chosen because I am also designated to protect the immortal yet third-dimensional form of the Architect."

"I see. Where are you going?"

"The Museum of the Ancients."



Like that, Szrazyn then went out of the room and teleported to the Museum. Ainz was now truly confused and terrified of the future. Formerly, they arrived to the New World with two Supreme Beings but now, the greatest of the two is now but a mechanical god that sees lives as nothing more but numbers.

The journey has just begun yet what shall happen now with Szrazyn being an emotionless God? A being who's power is unrivaled, one who sees innocent lives as but a means to an end. Will Nazarick fall as entertainment to the Outer Beings or will they soar through it all and rise as a galactic empire? We shall see...

A/N: So this is the last chapter of this season/volume. The first chapter of the next season/volume will be somewhat halted since I have new ideas for a possible Gate Fic but we shall see.

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