Four Kingdom, Four Warrior

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In this world, there's a magical rune that has been used by humanity for centuries. These runes evolve and many use these runes to create great nations and kingdoms. However, many still tolerate others' runes, wealth, and success. Many tried to steal, destroy or even kill to get a better life. This ideology divides humanity, where everyone is an enemy to one another

But, God would not stop trying to bring back humanity to its former glory. God has tried many ways over the years. And one day, He had created a beautiful place, a town with no borders among the people, a simple city to bring them together, the great Fragment from Heaven, Nazarethes. Over the years, many consider it the new Garden of Eden and many have tried to find this great city of light. But, over time, many don't believe in those myths any longer and they start to call, the false legend.

Many years have passed and the stories change as humanity grows. All the fake stories and false myth has made humanity more untrusting of one another. But, unlike others, there's a group of adventurers that believe in this majestic city. Rosha Noraus from the North Kingdom, Vera Aloera from the South Kingdom, and Jaquel Hornesio from the West Kingdom are among them. Some of them have a great bond with the royal families that lead each kingdom but each royal family doesn't have a good relationship with the others. But, although their families do have not the best relationship with one another, their still good friends.

One day, the group comes across a great story about the legend of Nazarethes. They were blown away by the great story. They were very compelled to visit this majestic city. Several years later, the three of them abandon their kingdoms and families and embark on the quest to find Nazarethes. But, although they have traveled around the world, they haven't been able to find any lead towards it.

"Hey, Vera. Are we there yet ?" Jaquel asks

"Not yet, Jaquel. It's just over the hill. We will get there before sundown" Vera replied

"Fine. But just so you know, I'm not gonna sleep on the grass tonight if we are unable to get there before sundown" Jaquel said

"Don't worry Jaquel. I know Vera will be able to get us to the next town before sundown." Rosha said while calming Jaquel down

"Okay, Rosha," Jaquel replied

"It's alright, Jaquel. After all, it is your first time being outside in the woods" Vera said teasing Jaquel while Rosha laughed at the back

"HEY !! That's not true !!" Jaquel replied while feeling embarrassed

Vera and Rosha giggle.

After a while, the three of them made it to the next town, in the Eztos Kingdom. Rosha and Jaquel are tasked to ask the locals about the legend, while Vera is tasked to search in the nearby library for any other information. They have been doing this for about two weeks. One day, they stay in their inn to discuss their finding.

"Hey guys" Vera came back from the library

"Hey" Rosha and Jaquel replied

"So. Any news ?" Vera asked both Rosha and Jaquel

"Not really. We haven't got any lead what so ever" Rosha replied

"Yeah. They just said they don't know anything" Jaquel added

"Really ?" Vera asked not sure about Jaquel's answer

"Don't believe him, Vera. I was the only one that does the job. But, he is just sitting around the ladies doing nothing" Rosha explaining

"HEY !! ROSHA !!" Jaquel panicked and Rosha is laughing

"Jaquel~~~ ?" Vera stands up and smiles while giving out a deadly stare

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 10, 2022 ⏰

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