Chapter 24

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Hongjoong woke up before Seonghwa which surprised him a little since Seonghwa was the one to be awake before him. Hongjoong felt so comfortable wrapped up in his lover's arms with their fingers intertwined. He looked around the dim apartment and glancing over at the digital clock sitting on the bedside table told him it was 6:02 a.m. so it was dim in the apartment. Closing his eyes, Hongjoong focused on all the sounds he could pick up on like the fridge, some birds chirping outside but the main one was Seonghwa breathing through his nose, the slightly warm air hitting the back of Hongjoong's neck which sent little tingles down his spine. He focused on the warmth radiating from Seonghwa and he let go of his hand so he could roll over, facing him. Hongjoong opened his eyes, looking over his lover's peaceful face and the corners of his lips upturned in the smallest smile.

Hongjoong spent at least 10 minutes just looking over Seonghwa's features and lightly tracing his thumb over his lips then down the bridge of his nose. He put his pointer finger under Seonghwa's chin, thumb rubbing over his cheek and he closed his eyes as he leaned in, pressing a quick kiss to his lips. As he leaned away, Seonghwa moved, snuggling his head under Hongjoong's chin and he giggled at the ticklish feeling of lips attacking his collarbones.

"What do think you're doing?" Seonghwa muttered against his skin, the corners of his lips tugging into a grin that Hongjoong couldn't see.

"I was just admiring your beauty."

Seonghwa hummed, already drifting back to sleep and this made Hongjoong smile widely. He began threading his fingers through his lover's hair, leaning in to leave a delicate kiss on his forehead which pulled the smallest smile at the corners of Seonghwa's lips.


Lee walked into Park's office and tossed a file onto the desk which caught Park's attention. He reached out to grab it and noticed it was Kim Hongjoong's case file. He glanced over at his partner who motioned for him to open it and he did. "I got a call from a young man saying that they heard two men inside a change room talking."

"Um, okay, what's that got to do with Kim Hongjoong's case, Sienna?" He arched an eyebrow and lifted a piece of paper up.

"The guy I just talked to over the phone believes one of the men was Kim Hongjoong, and the other guy was possibly his kidnapper."

"How could he tell it was Hongjoong?"

Sienna leaned back in the chair as she crossed one leg over the other and folded his arms over his chest. "The other guy said his name."

Park's mouth dropped open. "Was he able to get a look at them?"

Sienna sighed and shook her head. "No, sadly. So we don't know if the guy I talked to over the phone is talking about the same Kim Hongjoong or a guy who has the same name."

Park groaned. "Just when I thought we were getting somewhere with this case, it all crumbles and we're back to square one. This is so frustrating." He dropped his pen on the desk and rubbed his hands over his face then dragged his fingers through his hair, pushing it back off his forehead. "Are we ever gonna find him?"


"We have nothing on this case, Sienna. Nothing." Matt picked up the file, shaking it and then slapped it back onto the desk in front of his partner who stared at it, then looked back up at him with a frown.

"Kim Hongjoong is possibly already dead! We should be looking for his body, not for his kidnapper! Once we find his body, then we can focus on finding the guy who kidnapped him."

"There's always hope, Matt." She muttered as she reached out to put everything back into the file.

"What hope do we have that we will find this poor man?! It's been over a year! Let's file him as dead already because this case is going nowhere!"

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