BLUEMING House Episode 9

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BLUEMING House Episode 9


(Unusually nice weather. Hello again! What is Hanny up to? Busy Hanny)

Hanny: Why is it so dark?

(Open the curtains, let the sun shine through!)

Hanny: Let's clean!

(Putting on some music. Labor songs on the playlist. Singing in chorus! Having more fun listening to music)
(Elegantly dusting away... You look fabulous! Like a movie character)
(Getting every nook and cranny. Dusting off the camera. After completely clean she go downstairs)

Hanny: I've been preparing something.

(What did you prepare?)

Hanny: Let's make pancakes!

Hanny: It's been a while since I've cooked! I know how to make macarons. A lot of things...
(Macarons, kimchi fried rice...)
(Another new menu by Hanny!)

Hanny: For all of you making pancakes at home... You need to spread butter over the pan

(Put butter over a heated pan)

Hanny: Put a little bit... If you put in too much. Take some of it off! If there's too much butter, the pancake can burn. Put 1.5 spoons of batter onto the mini pancake pan. Put it over heat! How do people film cooking shows by themselves? Do you need to talk endlessly? Like... "Oh, you need to wait until the pan gets hot..." I want to make my own show in the future. Let's take a look.

(It's not cooked yet)

Hanny: Wait, wait! We'll leave it to cook a while longer. I think... Okay!

(Completely golden color)

Hanny: Put the butter... oh it's too hot. It's hot in here! I have to open this. It's too hot!


Hanny: I'm about to sweat!


Hanny: I have to know just with the smell. I have to know it's done. It's perfect! Did you see that?

(Proof of success)

Hanny: I think it's done. I have to quick before they come.

(Who's coming to Blueming House?)

Hanny: This one's really good. I'm a pro now.

Harris: Hello?

Henry: Hello! Oh! I smell something good!

Harris: I smell something good too!

Hanny: Bros! Coming!

(Park Harris and Park Henry the twins. Hanny's older brothers)

Harris: Something smells delicious! What you make?

Hanny: Pancakes!

(The boys are drawn in by the smell)

Henry: Oh! It's so cute!

(Please give us delicious snacks. Looks delicious)

Hanny: It looks good enough! You can top it according to your taste.

Henry: What is this?

Hanny: This is maple syrup. This is passion fruit and pineapple sauce. This is just passion fruit.

Henry: Totally my style!

Hanny: You can pick and choose as you want. If you want pineapple, you can put it on top.

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