Chapter 1

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Liana giggled. Coco smirked. 

          "Anyway, I wanted to talk to you about something," Coco said.

          "Sure, What is it?" Liana responed.

         "It's about the royal family tree."

         "What about it???"

          "I was looking at it, and I realized there's a name crossed off on it." Coco eventually said. Liana gave him a confused look. 

          'I don't think I ever payed enough attention to realize that... I can ask Mama about it!" The Princess offered. Coco nodded then jumped off the rock they were standing on.

          "Well, Daddy said I need to be home by  sunset, so I better run!" He said and he dashed off into the forest towards The Tree Kingdom. Liana slumped down and sat on the stone. Her Mama didn't like speaking about Katrina, aka, the one who had her name crossed off, and nobody else knows why, exactly, Lina crossed off her own cousins name, but Great Auntie Spring suggested it could possibly be because Katrina and Lina, never really got along. but that was besides the point, today was her Papas birthday. Lina dashed towards The Foliage Castle. She entered the huge building and basically pranced into the kitchen. King Bobbery was cutting onions and placing them into a pot, Queen Lina, on the other hand, was mixing ingredients, to make what was most likely her famous blueberry lemon cake. Bobbery was almost definitely making his chilli. The old king loved making AND eating food. Though Liana always found it a little spicy for her taste. Bobbery smiled at his daughter. 

          "Happy birthday Papa!" Liana cheered

The Story of Queen LianaOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora