13~ A Courting Song

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What you don't understand could fill a library.

Why Jotaro had decided to give you a surprise visit. Why the homely cottage in the woods had vanished, or where it could've went along with its owner, Terence. Why Will grew more anxious every time the night drew near, or what it was he'd seem to stare at through the window with fear.

You supposed you should retrace your steps, start from the beginning. To better grasp why all of this was happening was to reacquaint yourself with all that had taken place within a single day.

It started with a knock at your door, you think-- No, first you heard the tell-tale clopping of hooves nearing your end of the street, the knock came shortly after.

Many a day ago, Jotaro had made plans to go through the forest once more, with your aid of course. He'd promised he'd stop by your home the following day, but naturally, being the prince of the kingdom, such a man could never hold a promise longer than he'd hold burning charcoal. 

Nevertheless, he was at your door, and you were inclined to invite him in. (Lest you were willing to bring light to your dislike of him so quickly.)

He looked as put together as ever, much more than you could ever bring yourself to admit. Hair combed, corset synched, and offensively handsome face, he was there whether you liked it or not, and he brought his dick attitude with him.

How unfortunate of you to assume you were at least on somewhat favorable terms, where you could both tolerate each other enough that you didn't hold the silent urge to turn him into a smear on the wall. It seemed that the heartfelt conversation you both had meant nothing more than the lint in his pocket.

"You've been behind." He said bluntly. His words may have been sharper than that sword strapped to his hip. "What is it you've been doing?"

This is the part where you incoherently curse at yourself. Internally, of course, because obviously you aren't about to damn yourself to hell out loud in front of your future ruler.

Jotaro waits for his response with a patient impatience, watching as you scramble to throw together an excuse with babbling words because, hell, what have you been doing? Sleeping at Kakyoin's, wasting the nights away at Terence's place because of how burnt-out you are, having lunch with Vanilla Ice... Silly you, you forgot you're a damn slave to the country! No free time for you!

If your lack of answer wasn't enough, then your stuttering and flustered speech definitely must've tipped him over the edge. 

Jotaro looked at you with a critical gaze, arms folded and expectant. Part of you wants to snap at him, perhaps tell him exactly what it was that you'd been doing, and that you weren't sorry for it. Another piece of you, however, feared the threat that's been hung around you like a collar since you were young, the threat of execution.

Those two sides of you fought wildly, your mind pulled into a blur like you were standing still on a spinning top. Like children who dare each other on things, how far would you go? Which half were you betting on?

"Your highness, I hope you find it in you to forgive me," Fear won, as it always had. "The constant stream of orders has left me tired beyond any repair that rest can give me."

"You ask for a break in the midst of our kingdoms possible destruction? Surely, you jest."

"No, your highness, please-- a break is the last thing I'd request in times like these. However-"

You'd long known that the prince could be discourteous, and impudent, and really just downright disrespectful, but you'd never guess he'd have the gall to shove past you, focus locked onto something jsut behind your workbench. 

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