Chapter 1:Dell Denis

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Dear diary,
Today, it might have been the happiest day of my life. Even when I was still getting bullied daily and today was no exception. During recess I was queueing up to buy a cup of coffee when Angel (or as I like to call her devil)and her gang walked straight in my direction. I knew I was in for it. Don't get me wrong, I'm not scared of her even if her dad owns the school and all the teachers and students don't have the guts to stop her from hitting someone. The teachers basically can't do anything if they wanted to. Oh well.

But here's what happened, she walked up to me, pulled me out of the long queue which I was in the third position of, and she got her gang to drag me to the basketball court. On the way where one of Angel's gang carried me over her shoulders and held me so tightly that I didn't have the energy to even try to get out, we passed Miss Anthiere. She took a look at me with a sad and worried expression but I knew she couldn't do anything and she won't because, just like the other selfish teachers, they all want to keep their job. So instead of crying right in front of her to make her feel even more guilty, I gave her a weak assuring smile before I was dragged straight to hell.

Chapter 1: Dell Denis
"Give me all your money"
"Help me do my homework"
"Nice hoodie, give it to me!"

"NO! Please! Someone hel-" A punch landed on Dell's face.

"Shut up you brat!"

Another punch to Dell's stomach. Air rushed out, she felt breathless. About to lose conscious. Surroundings are filled with tiny black particles.

Another punch across the face.
Angel lifts up her hand, ready to slap Dell.

Dell POV
I didn't even bother to close my eyes when I saw Angel's hand lift up and zoom right at me until it halt to a stop inches from my face and a clapping sound was made, someone had grabbed her hands in the nick of time, before she had a chance to channel a sharp stinging pain to my face.

Angel's shocked look turned into a pissed one when she saw that it was her brother who grabbed her hand. Apparently, Angel's gang didn't dare to stop her brother from interfering with her business.

"Damn it, Kale, I'm not a child anymore, you don't have the right to stop me from doing what I want!" Angel's hand struggled out of the tight grip and another sharp and unexpected sting landed on my face before I led out a surprised yelp and fell unconscious.

-Continuation of Diary-

Kale Anders, my crush, even though his sister was a straight up monster and he was a total playboy, saved my life today.

~DD <3

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