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For the past sixteen months my life has been suffocated with dead air. I took a pill that was supposed to help me focus on myself but instead it made me focus on my eating.
I began to drown my throat in nothingness and my head was starting to fill with nothingness,
and suddenly I was nothing.

My ribs look like they're pressed together with weak glue. They poke out like sticky thorns. My skin looks frail, purpling circles line my wrists. I cover it with bracelets.

For the past sixteen months I've been sick in the head and stomach. For the past eleven months I've been in recovery for my sticky thorns, we've been trying to make them grow into roses again.

I don't know when I'll be better but "Your situation takes time, longer than other disorder recovery." she told me, but how much longer until I'm okay again?

What if it never happens? What if I always have sticky thorns poking through my skin?

I've never liked roses anyways.

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