The Color Of Tomorrow

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A/N: I am re-uploading this short story of mine (I was forced to take it down due to certain conditions of magazines I submitted it to) in an attempt to receive more feedback to improve it. I've overcome the writer's block I've been suffering from for the past couple of months, and I'm writing again. Along with other works of mine, this piece is back in the editing process. Constructive criticism is encouraged and appreciated. Thank you for reading, and I hope you enjoy. 

The Color Of Tomorrow

Smoldering dark green orbs.

Crystal clear transparent sapphire pools.

Mysterious, sparkling gray irises.

The possibilities were endless--any shade on the infinite color spectrum was at risk of falling victim to being captured by her pupils with each new arrival of the sun behind its shadow of darkness, an unpredictable occurrence.

At the first appearance of dawn, as our small blue and green speck transitioned from night to day, with it, Aura's eyes would morph. I made it my mission to ensure I awoke to view such a spectacular change, for today would be the last chance I would get to see it.

Despite the abnormality of her constantly-shifting eye color to society, the process itself held a natural nature to it. It started slowly, the current shade reflecting off her eyes fading, before changing into a completely new color all at once.

It was remarkable to watch, an event she rarely let me observe, so I shifted my position, my silhouette carved into her aunt's pristine cut lawn from falling asleep in the grass the night before. I turned over, watching Aura as her eyes fluttered open. She looked over at me with her lavender eyes of yesterday, before smiling genuinely.

"The sun is rising." She stated simply, her rosy lips faintly curved upwards as she sat up to admire it.

"Indeed." I agreed, smiling slightly at her awed expression.

We laid down in silence for a few moments, the buzz of someone mowing one of the grand lawns of one of her neighbor's mansions in the distance.

However, while Aura observed in amazement of the bright star as it's shadow casted over every place where darkness had creeped into, I kept my back to the scene behind me. Instead, I watched her eyes as they shifted colors.

"No two sunrises or sunsets are ever alike. Each one is different, like snowflakes, the hues they radiate blending together in a unique fusion that no man would ever even fathom mixing together. It's an orchestra only nature could compose, weaving colors in such a harmonious symphony of color."

"Like your eyes," I suggested, an immediate reaction, for her prose I could only compare to an exact description of her own radiant pools of purple.

But, I quickly regretted it, as the twinkle in her irises dimmed, before nodding solemnly. She clenched her tiny fists, her nails digging into her porcelain skin, and her jaw locked. However, it only lasted a moment, before she released her palm of it's piercing, and dropped her shoulders out of it's tense stance, resuming her previous state. Little crescent marks on her dainty hands were the only remnants of her moment of conflicting emotions.

"I suppose." She smiled sadly, before tearing away from the beauty of nature to lock eyes with me.

The distinct lavender that had marked her pupils before had vanished to an indistinguishable color. Traces of a new shade were shyly revealing itself, but it was too soon to determine what color they may be.

"What is your favorite color for your eyes to change to?" I asked quickly, unable to help myself.

It was selfish, and I despised myself for it. Crossing the boundaries she had created was disrespectful of me, however before I could correct my mistake she spoke.

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