Father-Son Bonding.. w/ Pillow Fights

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Square Dad entered his kid's bedroom. Leaning against the door, he watched them draw. They looked content and confident. Considering the kid drew like Piccaso, his mood while sketching wasn't a surprise to Sq. Dad. He smiled and shifted his weight, catching the eye of his child. They stopped drawing, staring up at their dad. "Hey, kiddo," Sq. Dad signed.

Kid waved in response, then looked back down at their sketchbook. They didn't start drawing again and instead looked back up at Their father. "Can I help you?"

This made Square Dad chuckle lightly. He stood up straight and signed back, "Actually, yes. I was wondering if I could borrow you." he half explained.

Kid raised his eyebrow, confused on what their dad would want them for. "What?"

"You'll see!" he signed, leaving the room with a huge grin on his face.

Kid quickly got up, very confused and wanting to figure out what he meant. He closed up his sketchbook and slipped his pencil in the loops before following his dad down the hall. They both went downstairs, and there the kid found blankets piled on blankets. Pillows were in one corner. Chairs standing in the middle of the living room.

Square Dad grabbed a blanket and threw it over two of the chairs across from each other, and then laid the other end across their TV stand. He continued this process with another blanket over the other chairs, and then over the end tables. Kid watched as his dad put one last blanket over, connecting all four of the chairs.

After that, he smiled at his kid again and then grabbed a pillow before disappearing where Kid can't see. They waited for their dad to pop back up, but after a few more seconds they let their curiosity take them.

Walking over to where their dad was last seen, they saw a small opening into the blanket creation. Kneeling down to peek inside, they looked under, seeing some light but no dad. They quickly looked up in time to see their dad a foot away, stuck in a stance of oh no, I've just been caught.

"Were you going to scare me?" they blatantly ask their father. His response was a head tilt and a funny face, all while keeping the stance of one foot off the ground and hands in the air. Kid took that as a chance to crawl into the fort.

Dad didn't expect this and stumbled after them, with another pillow in hand. Seeing that, Kid grabbed the pillow his dad brought in beforehand. Just as Square Dad entered, they smacked in left to right on his face, with the pillow. They chuckled, but the laugh was short. Blocking dad's pillow with their own, he was cornered. Unable to run because neither of them could stand in the fort.

Dad struggled to get a hit on his kid. Deciding quickly that he'd play dirty. He tickled their side, hearing them laugh out. They dropped their pillow and rolled over, getting away. Square Dad whooped and signed, "I'm the winner!"

Kid threw his pillow at Dad and smiled.

The door opened slowly, and a light trail slowly entered. The light quietly shut the door and looked around. No sound or other obvious presence, the light slowly floated down the hall. Entering the living room. The blanket fort still stood, though a little beaten up due to earlier. Small sparkles emanated off of the light, and the fort began fixing itself up. Newer blankets, comfier pillows, and fairy lights floating through the fort entrance. The light followed after. Inside, the dim fairy lights were now strung across and through the chairs, lighting up Kid's and Square Dad's sleeping faces. A quilted blanket floated in after the string of lights and laid over the sleeping beings.

Content with what the light has done, they changed form. Into a 5'4 (162cm) brunette. They snuggled up next to their husband, Square Dad, and relaxed with them.


AN: not even close to 100 words, i'm going to cry /hj (653 words)

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 30, 2022 ⏰

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