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"What the actual fuck?" I shout, pacing around the room carelessly, not caring if I walked into things. Annabel grabbed my arm and pulled my onto the sofa, snapping her fingers in my face to get my attention. I glared at her for a second before turning to stand and pace again, but before I could she interrupted me.

"Chill the fuck out and sit down. It's not even that bad, he could have put much worse things." I sat next to her on the sofa and dropped my head into my hands.

"Sorry Annabel, I'm overreacting again, just ignore me." She smiles at me and picks up my phone.

"First things first, let's have a look at what he said. Then, we can go from there, yeah?" I nod my head and look at my phone as she scrolls to the top of the page. "Fuck, he's persistent isn't he?" There were at least thirty messages on there from him, and at least three quarters of them were spam.

"I don't even get why he's interested though! Look at me, I'm ugly as fuck!" Annabel glares at me and gestures to my phone.

"Sit the fuck down and read these messages already!" I sit down and glance at my phone, as two new messages come through.

Did I do something wrong?

I roll my eyes and read the next one.

I only wanted to talk to you, sorry. :-(

I glare at my phone, hating the feeling of guilt building in my stomach. "What do you want me to put? Anything? Nothing?" I look at her thoughtfully, and after pondering the idea for a while, I decide to hit him with a classic cliche.

"Ask him who it is." Annabel frowned at me.

"But we already know who it is." I roll my eyes at her.

"Yeah, but he doesn't know that." I shake my head as realisation dawns on her face, and she quickly types a response to the thirty plus messages.

Not trying to be rude or anything, but who is this?

I nod carefully.

"Sassy, but not rude. There's a fine line." She nods at me wisely, and I laugh at her smug expression.

"Right. We just need to wait for him to reply. What do you want to do?"

I sit and think about it for a second. My life revolves around action films and comics. I loved to curl up with a box of chocolates, a mug of coffee and a good action comic. I had over six hundred comics, and I'd read all of them at least once. My favourite comic of all time, the one that I had read the most, was Batman. My favourite was The Batman: Issue 56. But right now, I wanted to do something with my two best friends.

"Annabel. I know what we should do."

"Yeah..." she laughs at my eagerness.

"Go call Oliver and tell him to come over, and I'll go get the popcorn, we're having a Batman marathon."

The doorbell rang, and I rushed to answer it.

"OLIVER! Hey." I laugh as he runs into the house and throws himself down on my plush fabric. "Make yourself at home then, I don't mind at all." He laughs at me at rearranges all my silk cushions underneath his head, making himself comfy.

"What are we watching then?" I look at him and give him a deadpan look.

"Mean Girls." I say sarcastically. I couldn't stand cliche chick flicks, and Oliver knew it.

"Yes! I love Mean Girls! Can we watch both of them?" I laugh and he looks at me for the first time since sitting down, and his face falls as he realises that we aren't watching Mean Girls.

"Aww, is liccle Oliver upset because he can't watch the chick flick?" Annabel shouted from the kitchen, struggling to keep a straight face.

"We better be watching Batman, or I'm leaving. I shouldn't have to stand for all this bullying." He says, curling his bottom lip and folding his arms over his chest.

"Aww, poor little Oliver, sulking in a corner. Lucky for you we are watching Batman." His face immediately brightens, and he peers into the kitchen, craning his neck as he looked into the corners of the room. I sighed. "Yes, we have whipped cream. Yes, we have Pringles. And no, they're not Salt and Vinegar." Oliver looked at me in awe, and I laughed. Sweet Chilli Pringles and whipped cream were just one of Oliver's strange flavour combinations that he loved, so I always kept some in the cupboards, just in case. "We also have -" I stop for a second to think about my cupboards, and what I had left. I'd been doing a lot of binge-eating and not a lot of cooking lately, so there wasn't a lot of snacks left. "We have popcorn, obviously." Oliver rolls his eyes, as if even the thought of no popcorn was absolutely ridiculous. "Don't roll your eyes at me, there's hardly any left, and once it's gone, I ain't getting no more! We also have...Oh! I remember! Back in a minute Oliver!" I run into the kitchen and rifle through the cupboards.

"Elle? What the actual fuck are you doing?" I turn to look at Annabel and bring my finger up to my lips, shushing her.

"I, am making a snack for Oliver that he won't forget anytime soon. Can you grab me a bowl? A fairly big one please." She walks to the cupboards across the room and brings me three bowls.

"Pick one." She commands. I grab the largest of the three and turn back to the cupboard.

"Aha! Found them!" I pull out the three large bags of Skittles that I hide for emergencies, and then turn to Annabel. "Put these in the bowl while I find the others."

"Holy shit Elle, are you starting a siege or something? Why do you need so many Skittles?" She rips open the bags and pours them in the bowl, shaking it to even out the top.

"Shut up Annabel, you know I get hungry a lot. They are in case of an emergency. Give me the bowl so I can sort it out, I don't even know what you've done to this." I shake my head as Annabel laughs and grabs the Pringles.

"Elle, hurry the fuck up already, I want to watch the film!" I smirk and grab the bags of emergency M&M's from my cupboard and shake them into the bowl of Skittles.

"Right, put the film in, I'm ready!" I place the bowl on the middle table and throw myself onto the sofa, grinning to myself.

"Elle! What the actual fuck!" I leap off the sofa as Oliver throws a handful of popcorn at me.

"What?" I ask as innocently as I can, keeping my face straight. I dance backwards into the kitchen as Oliver picks up a handful of the sweets and throws them as hard as he can at me. "You wanna go mate? I'll take you right now! Come on then, fight me bitch!" I laugh and yank open the fridge door, grabbing the milk carton.

"So that's how you want to play this game? Alright then, I can be a bitch too." He grabs the orange juice and takes off the lid, throwing it across the room at me.

"What the fuck Oliver?" I laugh and empty the milk carton over his head, watching his face slowly fall as milk locks itself in his hair.

"Oh shit Elle, that's gonna take ages to get out. Come here so I can pour orange juice in your hair." I leap backwards and grab a teatowel, flicking it at him whenever he gets near. "Come here you little shit!"

"Shit, guys stop being so childish for a minute!" I glance at Annabel, shocked at her tone. When I turn to her, she's staring down at my phone. "Elle..." She looks up at me, a look of awed excitement on her face. "He replied."

Sorry it's been so long, I haven't really got an excuse for not updating, I just haven't had any inspiration for a long time. Thanks to anyone who's stayed with me, it's a working progress, but hopefully it will get better. Also, if anyone was wondering, I have a friend who actually likes Sweet Chilli Pringles and whipped cream, and quite a bit of the inspiration for this chapter comes from him, so thanks for that. Hopefully I'll update soon, I actually have inspiration for the next chapter, so it's on it's way. - Liv

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