Love is in the air- pt. 1

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After 3 days Hermione was healed and healthy. The curse Malfoy used on her is still unknow to madame Pomfrey and she doesn't know its consequences.

"Miss Granger, be careful. We still don't know what curse was it. Mr Weasley, Mr Potter,be around her always. We don't know when can she fall unconscious again. Here", she gave Hermione some medicines, "drink this every day when you wake up for a week."

"Thank you madame" Hermione said as she took the medicines. "Have a nice day."

The trio exited the hospital and made their way to their first class which is
"...History of magic", Hermione said to Ron, "after this we have Potions("If Malfoy leaves any comments on what happened, he will regret it!" Ron said) and our last class is Care for magical creatures."

"At least we'll see Hagrid." Harry comforted an enraged Ron.
"Yeah, I guess..." Ron answered

Their history of magic class wasn't very exciting. Prof. Binns only talked about goblin rebellions. Harry showed no interest in raising his hand and answering to Binns's questions.

Hermione was quite. She didn't raise her hand what she'll usually do. She didn't even listen or taken any notes. She was totally occupied with something else...

'The hug last night, ahh, if I only could hug him once more' she thought.

Binns's voice seemed to be coming from somewhere far away from her ...
"...your homework is", Hermione shifted as if someone had just burned her, "to answer this quiz I have prepared for you. Take one and send it to me by next week!" Prof. Binns's said and disappear behind the blackboard.

"The history of magic was so boring", Ron said , "we are talking about same thing over and over again. We are-" and just as he was to finish his sentence, someone approached them. Guessing who? Malfoy with his "friends".

"Oooo, I see Granger is well..pitty" his cold voice said.
"Shut up" Ron was furious. Nowadays only Draco's name and surname could anger him.
"Or what?" Draco laughed scornfully
"Mr Malfoy", someone's cold,deep voice behind him said," you don't want any more problems."

It was a man with black, greasy hair that reached to his shoulders-Snape.
Draco glanced at Ron once more, snorted, and walked away with his gang.

"And as for you", he looked at Ron with the biggest disgust,"you got away with it this time but only this time and never again."
Ron looked at him and said something that sounded like 'okay' and they made their way to the dungeons.

The potions class was very boring. Harry got an "A", Ron an "P" and Hermione, of course, "O".
"I hate Snape", Ron said, "my potion wasn't even that bad!"
"Ron, you added two wrong ingredients and it was supposed to turn yellow not green."-Hermione continued, "anyways, you should study potions more. At least an hour a day!"
"No way that I'm going to study that."
"Then don't protest every time you get a "P"!, Hermione said strictly
"Fine,fine" and Ron gave up.

After the lunch they headed down in the park to Hagrid's. Their next class was care for magical creatures. They knocked on the door and Hagrid welcomed them into his big home.

"Oy, Hermione! Are ya alrigh'?"
"Hello Hagrid... yes I am better now. And you?"
"I am a bit tired and nervous for today" he added nervously
"Don't worry! Your classes are...brilliant!" Hermione lied. They don't have the heart to tell Hagrid that his classes are a bit boring.

"Oh! The students ar comin'! Let's go outside!" they followed Hagrid to his garden where students waited for him.
"Good day everyone! Today I have a lil surprise for ya! Follow me!"

They followed him to the edge of the Forbidden Forest to a fenced glade. The day was sunny and warm, so a little shade would not hurt them.

"Wait for me to call him." and Hagrid whistled.
For a few moments nothing happened. He whistled again, and they saw something in the sky.

"Isn't he adorabl'?" Hagrid looked at the animal with shine in his eyes.
"Class, this Buckbeak-the hippogirf! He is alive! He came yesterda' and I knew it ws him! "

Everyone looked shocked. Buckbeak flew away 2 years ago with did he came back? Hagrid was feeding him and students were asking each other what could have happened.

After 10 minutes Hagrid said:" Alright! Let's start with some practice! Everyone find a partner."

Harry was looking around. He knew Ron and Hermione will be together so he asked Neville, 'Sure' Neville said.

"Do you have a partner Harry?" Ron asked
"Yes, I am with Neville."
"Ok, umm, I'll ask...Hermione..I guess?"
"Sure,go on" Harry pushed him forward a little and smiled.

"Erm...Hermione.." he started,trying to find right words.
"Do you have a partner?"
"Wha-, no, I don't..umm you?"
"Me neither. So I guess we'll be in team now." she said and smiled
"Yes..." he smiled back

"Okay, did you find a partner. You did? Okay..each team will ride a hippogrif and take off for 5 minutes.Then for ya homework you'll writ' how was it"

"Let's see...first ones should be...Hermione and Ron." Hagrid said and smiled.
"Okay, 'Ermione will you be at front or back?"
"Umm", she looked at Ron,"at back."
"Alright, Ron yer on front. Don't take his feathers off, ok?"

Ron climbed the hippogrif and Hermione after him.
"Are ya ready?" they nodded in confirmation,"let's go Buckbeak."
Hagrid said proudly with a tears of happiness in his eyes.

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