Study session - Bakugo

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With all the hero work you had been piled with, evenings were getting stressful. You couldn't even remember the last time you took care of yourself. You were sat at your desk, scribbling on lined paper at a fast pace. You sighed and sat back in your chair, clutching your head. You had the biggest headache, and could barely think properly. You carefully put your pen down next to the paper, and slowly stood up out of your chair. You made your way up to your own balcony, that came with all the dorms. You loved the balcony, the fresh air eased you after doing massive amounts of work. The lush breeze brushed through your hair, as you leant your arms on the parapet. You breathed slowly, relaxing your shoulders. You heard the sound of footsteps coming from the balcony beside you- it was bakugos. You and Bakugo's dorms were next to each other, which meant that your balcony's were also neighbouring. He didn't seem to notice you at first, and it seemed like he was out there for the same reason too. He looked like he needed to blow off some steam, by calming himself down. You didn't realise, but your eyes were directly on him for what felt like ages. It took you off guard, when he suddenly turned his head and looked in your direction.

"What are you looking at?" He huffed, turning his head back round.
"Nothing." You responded, also turning your gaze away. Since you two were aware of each other's presence, the silence was loud. Although, it was oddly comforting. He spoke again.
"So why are you out here? It's really late. Is something wrong?" He spoke in a blunt tone, desperately trying to hide his concern. You smiled to yourself slightly.
"I just needed to breathe, that's all." You replied, happy that he cared.
"Me too."
There was silence again. You looked back over to where he was standing, but he was gone. You sighed, your smile fading away. If only you could have the chance to talk to him more, you'd take any opportunity you could get. He was a stubborn character, which is why you felt so special that he cared about you. You returned back into your dorm, sitting on the edge of your bed. You were contemplating about going to sleep, but a sudden knock at the door stopped your train of thought. Was it him? Well, you sure hoped so. You pulled the door open, to be met with an embarrassed face. Your grin had came back.
"Can I come in?" He asked politely, looking at the floor. You nodded, moving aside to allow space for him to walk through. You proceeded to close the door behind him. You caught him catching a glance at your desk, which was scattered with paperwork and books.
"Ah, I see. The amount of work is stressing you too, am I right?" He asked looking back into your eyes.
"Definitely. The amount we're being given is crazy." You said. He nodded in agreement.
"I could tell something was wrong," he began, "which is why I, you know, came here." He shuffled his feet, clearly very embarrassed. You noticed how flustered he was and you wanted to tease him a little.
"Awwwww how sweet of you." You nudged his arm and grinned, which made him even redder.
"Shut up, dumbass. It's no big deal."
"I was just wondering if you wanted to study together I guess." He said, not looking you in the eye. You shrieked a very enthusiastic "of course" and he grabbed his bag and sheets of paper from his dorm. You two sat at your desk together, helping each other study. You loved his company so much, and he loved yours too. He found himself smiling without even realising it. You told him how cute his smile was, and he felt his cheeks go bright red. Desperate to hide it, he faced the other way, scratching his neck. You carefully took his chin and turned it back to face you. You two were staring into each other's eyes, lost in them. He was blown away by your beauty, as you were taken aback by his handsomeness. Without warning, he pressed his lips onto yours, losing himself in the moment. His sudden move shocked you, yet made you feel so comforted. Soon after, he pulled away, a huge red mess.
"Shit I'm so sorry." He mumbled. He kept apologising under his breath, genuinely so pissed at himself for not thinking about what he was doing. You stopped him mid sentence with yet another sweet kiss. Your lips locked together like a jigsaw puzzle- they were perfect for each other. He smiled at you, looking into your eyes. Neither of you could properly comprehend what just happened, yet neither of you were complaining either.

It was 2 in the morning, and you two had finally finished your work. He was packing up his things, getting ready to leave again. You didn't want to be alone tonight, but were way too shy to ask him if he wanted to sleep over. Maybe next time? He stood in the doorway, not wanting to leave you either. You planted a small kiss on his cheek.
"Thank you for coming round, Katsuki." You said, in a soft, quiet voice.
"We should do this again sometime soon." He responded, trying to hide his excitement about this kiss still. You waved the boy goodbye, and watched him head into his own dorm. You jumped onto your bed, kicking your legs around. You couldn't wait to tell Mina!!

Im sorry if this chapter was pretty boring 😭 I hope the other ones are better, I didn't have many ideas for Bakugo💀

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 01, 2022 ⏰

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