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I owe you guys so many apologies. Please notify me of any mistakes

If you're watching this, I'm dead, that part doesn't really matter. Not to me. Not anymore. I completed what I set out to do, kill 3 people...

Now, I'm sure you're wondering how, and why I did this. So, let's start at the beginning, Erica, Mike, Zoe, Cathrine, you were there. The beginning, two deaths, the deaths of my parents.


"Take them out." Ms. said into the mic.

"NO! STOP! PLEASE! NO!" I screamed, tears falling down my face.

The first goon kicked open the door, entering my living room, "Who the h-" my father began, but his sentence was cut short by the crack of the pistol in the hand of the first goon.

I heard my mother scream and the image panned over to her, this time 3 shots rang out, 2 from goon one, and one from goon two. Then the camera moved over to my father and the goon holding the camera shot him in the face, then he did the same to my mother. My pleading screams had devolved into hysterical sobs. Then Ms. started to brag, she began to brag about killing my parents. My sadness turned into anger and my anger changed into a blinding rage. All of a sudden, the moves from hand-to-hand combat class started to make sense. I tensed up, and the goon holding me shifted his grip to be more secure, but that didn't matter, I sung my head back into his face, breaking his nose, I then followed up by grinding my foot down his leg smashing his foot, finally I dropped down escaping his grip, turned, and punched him in the nuts.

I then dived for the pile of weapons, grabbing a grenade ripping the pin out and holding it up. I stood up grabbing a pistol from the pile. Ms. E tried to run into a different room, I tossed the grenade in after her, and turned to the goons holding my friends as the grenade exploded, "I am angry, and just plain done with people holding others hostage. You have three seconds to run." I raised the gun at the one I had just escaped from. "Three." The goons looked at each other. "Two, don't make me shoot you in the face." They let go of my friends, "Smart choice." I said as I walked towards the room that Ms. E was in, I found her bleeding out on the ground. I raised my pistol, only for me to have it taken away by Erica, who then proceeded to slap me.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" Erica yelled at me.

"Killing her." I stated.

Another slap, "GET YOURSELF TOGETHER BEN," Erica shouted, "YOU CAN'T KILL HER!" Erica shouted.

"Why not?" I asked.


"Can I kill her after then?" I questioned.

A slap, this is getting repetitive. "YOU CAN'T KILL ANYONE!" Erica screamed.

I glared at her, "I can think of three people I will be killing," I stated calmly, "and one is right behind you."

She punched me in the face this time. Twice.

I pushed her away before she could punch me again, "What was that for?" I yelled.

"I'm trying to knock some sense into you." Erica growled calmly, "have you realized that your thirst for revenge doesn't matter yet?"

Now I was angry at her, "You know what!" I shouted, "I'm done. Congrats, you get your wish, you won't have a partner anymore after this mission."

Erica looked stunned; her mouth hung open slightly. I wheeled around and noticed everyone staring at me, even Ms. E's goons.

"Ben-" Mike began, but I blew past him.

"Let's get this over with." I spat, not wanting to talk to anyone.

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