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without that much convincing, you agreed to come with me.
a journey to a place we should be calling home.
in the car, talking like we had been apart for decades;
i should have made that journey longer.
sat on the end of the dock getting to know one another's past month,
and i did not know how close to get.
for all i knew this would be the last time we would do this.
you told me your secrets, and i explained mine.
we both cried tears of prince rupert's glass,
only the bulb dropping into the pine green waves below us.
'i miss you'
'i miss you'
'you're playing with fire'
the next words brought the tail of the glass tears from between our legs and tapped them ever so mercifully onto the wooden boat beside us, smashing them and i into a million little pieces:
'i love you'

an ode to a queen from a jokerDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora