Chapter 1: The Woods

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1 week ago

I ran as fast as my legs could take me, I turned to see if I had lost him, but he was still chasing me. I stopped and hid inside a log, it was moist from the fog, but he found me throwing himself onto me. I couldn't push him away, but I also couldn't accept this as my fate, I bent down to grab a rock.

Hitting him in the head, at the first opportunity, the first blow barely affected him he stood there dazed but quickly recovered, now he was angry; I hit him again, this time he lost balance and fell onto the forest floor; the rock was starting to weigh in my sweaty fingers as I hit him multiple times until he was unconscious. I ran away dropping the rock, scrambling to grab my phone I look at google maps to check my location and find the quickest route home and I accidentally saved my current location. Running out of the woods and into the streets as I begin to head home. Constantly looking over my shoulder to see if he was following me. Luckily, I didn't see him, letting out a sigh of relief as I walked to the bus station.

Sweaty and panting I get onto the bus that would stop the closest to my house, but people were looking at me strangely, and I take notice of my appearance my hair was a mess, sticks and leaves sticking out; my hands were filthy; my knees were all scraped and bruised but what was probably frightening people was my shirt it was covered in blood. I laugh nervously saying I had spilled soup all over my shirt, but I don't think anyone bought my story, so I quickly got out of the bus at the next stop.

Quickly opening my phone to check my location, luckily, I was close to my home, so I started walking, I walked for what felt like hours when I finally got home, I collapsed under my own weight. Limping to my bedroom and crawling onto the bed not bothering to bathe, I didn't have the energy to do that.

The next morning, I woke up feeling terrible, my body ached and I could barely move without wincing . I thought that last night's events were all a dream until I looked in the mirror noticing the bruises caused by last nights events. I immediately turned on my shower the water was warm, not too hot, but still hot enough to steam the bathroom. I stepped in letting the water flow down my body when I looked at my feet I noticed the water was brown, noticing how filthy I was I grabbed a sponge and scrubbed all that dirt and grime off my body.

I thoroughly washed my hair I put on the shampoo and scrub feeling the soap slide down my back I rinse and repeat applying shampoo once more scrubbing thoroughly I rinse, later putting on a cream to make my hair even silkier than usual so no one would know of what had occurred yesterday, rinsing it off, I apply the conditioner and rinse once again.

I get out of the shower looking at myself in the mirror I was looking like my usual self again, but I felt different somehow I couldn't explain it. I wrapped a towel around my body to dry off and begin to brush my dripping hair.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 11, 2022 ⏰

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