Chapter 1- A Writer's Job

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"This is our church, and these are its sacraments."

Allen Ginsburg took one look at the books on display and decided he could have been more impressed. Looking around the rest of the spacious room with shelves filled to the brim with books, he knew that there was so much more books with a wide array of string tugging literature.

He would have never thought.

Thought that Columbia university would be such a, how could he put it... monotonous place. At least, from what he's seen so far.

Church and it's sacraments? Allen thought caustically, more like the one part of a museum no one dares to enter, fearing death from lack of atmosphere-

"Let's hear a bit shall we?" A throaty voice spoke from afar.

Allen swiveled around, meeting the eyes of a nicely clad, tall, androgynous golden haired boy standing on a desk on the far side of the library. His mercury irises sparkled with the enjoyment of mischief, Allen noted, surprising himself. The boy looked away to stare at the crowd of other new students piled up behind Allen, a newfound predatory grin sporting shark like teeth plastered on his aristocratic face.

"On a Sunday afternoon when the shutters are down," he spoke, the grin never leaving his face while his eyes scanned his prey, "and the proletariat possesses the street, there are certain thoroughfares which remind one of nothing less than a big, cancerous, cock."

He spoke the last word whilst swiftly going into a kneeling position on the table, and taking the nearest lamp and shoving it between his thighs, throwing his head back in an attempt to show the sensational feeling of his spoken words.

Throughout the entire performance, Allen held a contorted, toothy smile on his face, feeling strangely...beatific for one rare moment. All because of this one seemingly libertine boy. He unknowingly snorted, which did not go unnoticed by the libertine (which Allen decided would now be his title), and made him snap his head up looking for the source of the sound. As all eyes were on Allen now for showing amusement to the little out of line performance, it wasn't hard for goldilocks to find the culprit behind the noise. His elaborate gray eyes locked with that of Allen's, tilting his head in a thoughtful manner, as if deciding what to say or what to think in that one moment of time that could have lasted forever if it weren't for the tour guide screaming, "Security!"

Libertine snapped out of his daze and gracefully rolled off the desk, taking off into a unsteady sprint in the direction of the library's exit, brushing past Allen's side in the process, giving him a sign of recognition. Before he made his escape, he gleefully screamed,

"Alert the press! Tell them Lucien Carr is innocent!"

So, his name is Lucien, Allen mused.

It seems Colombia University wouldn't be so uninteresting after all.

⋆ˊˎ-•̩̩͙- *̩̩̥͙

Something about him was intriguing, was what Lucien knew for a fact.

He was interesting, and he knew it from just one look.

But this was just a hypothesis. He needed to take all the steps of the scientific method for this one. What he needed next was an... experiment of sorts. And he sure as hell got one in Professor Steeves' class. He could remember it clear as day...

"The Victorian Sonnet has the balance of three tenets; rhyme, meter, and conceit. Without this balance, a poem becomes slack, an untucked shirt-"

"Professor Steeves?"


"How do you explain Whitman?"

Now here was was what got Lucien's attention. Someone of culture, he thought satisfactory.

"Say more. Two more sentences."

This boy even got the professor's interest.

"Well, uh, he hated rhyme and meter. The whole point was untucking your shirt." 

That's it. Lucien had to see what caused this stimulus in him, so he leaned forward gingerly, only to find the boy from the library the star of the show, yet again.

Quite the attention seeker, you are, aren't you?

"What's your name, son?"

"Allen Ginsburg."

Ginsburg? Wouldn't that be-

"Your father wouldn't happen to be the famous poet, Louis Ginsburg?"

"Yes, sir."

"He writes with rhyming metered verse. Why do you think he chose that option?"

"Because it was... easier?"

Muffled laughter erupted from the rest of the class at Allen's childish response. But to Lucien, he found it just the appropriate answer for that question.

Steeves took off his glasses, not amused by his response.

"This university exists because of tradition and form. Would you rather have this building be constructed by engineers, or Whitman and his boys at play? There can be no creation, without imitation."

"Yes, sir."

Oh, but Lucien knew that Ginsburg boy wasn't gonna quit. He could hear it in his voice. He spoke not in the tone of resignation, but in a way of strong determination that had Lucien's heart leaping in excitement at what he and Ginsy would accomplish, but only if they first became accomplices.


Author's Note:

Ahhh I'm so excited for this storyyy! I love the movie KYD with all my heart and just had to write a story about how Lucien and Allen develop their feelings for each other to lead to a tragic, depressing ending, since the movie didn't cover it that much. This ship reminds me alot of drarry which is another reason I feel very committed to finishing this book. There are also very little Lucien x Allen stories on Wattpad, for another thing. So, here I am. Like, I'm just gonna rant a bit here for a while so you don't have to read this. This is actually like the only author's note I plan on doing in this story until the end, so I'm gonna make the most of it. So, before I go on my rant, are there any Potterheads here? Okay, now that that's out the way let's get started.

Summary: So there's Lucien, the strange, androgynous blond beauty, and Allen the nerdy, soft, enigmatic little liony, untucked poet who gets himself involved in things he can't handle. But, he decides, he'll handle it just for the sake of getting to know Lucien, which his mind will regret in the long run, but not his heart.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 05, 2022 ⏰

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