The Flying Car

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The Ford Anglia is parked at King's Cross Station as numerous people walk past it. In the station, (Y/N), Harry, Ron, Ginny, Percy, Fred, George, Mr. and Mrs. Weasley are desperate to catch the Hogwarts Express before it leaves. "10:58. Come on, come on!" Mr. Weasley said. "Train will be leaving any moment!" Mrs. Weasley said.  "Fred, George, Percy, you first!" Fred pushes his cart through the barrier to Platform 9¾, followed by Percy and George. "Okay." Ginny pushes her cart and runs through the wall; Mr. and Mrs. Weasley follow. "After you, dear." Mrs. Weasley disappears through the wall; Mr. Weasley goes in immediately after her. "Come on, Ginny. We'll get you a seat. Hurry!" The three run for the train; outside, only (Y/N), Harry and Ron are left. "Let's go." Harry said. (Y/N) and the two boys push their carts directly for the wall. However, instead of going through the wall, Harry inexplicably crashes into it and falls over; Ron and (Y/N) lose control of their carts, and fall over as well. A station agent, the same man Harry saw a year ago, notices while speaking to a woman, and approaches (Y/N), Harry and Ron as they get to their feet, groaning from their slight injuries.

"Oy! What do you two think you're doing?" He asked. "Sorry. Lo-lost control of the trolley." Harry said. The agent shakes his head at them and walks away; Harry glances at Ron and (Y/N). "Why can't we get through?" He asked. "I don't know." (Y/N) touches the wall with her hand, discovering the bricks have become solid. "The gateway's sealed itself for some reason." She said. Harry touches the wall to see that it's completely solid. He then hears a clock chime, he, (Y/N) and Ron look up at a nearby clock displaying the time 11:00. "The train leaves at exactly 11:00. We've missed it!" Harry said. "Harry... (Y/N)... if we can't get through, maybe mom and dad can't get back." Ron said. "Maybe we should just go and wait by the car." (Y/N) said. The sound of these words suddenly gives him an idea. "The car...." (Y/N) glances at him, wondering what he's got in mind. Some time later, the three of them are in the car which is flying, with Ron driving. "Ron, I should tell you. Most muggles aren't accustomed to seeing a flying car." Harry said. "Ah, right." Ron said, nervously, and he pushes the button on the dashboard, which makes the car invisible. But soon the car starts to become visible again. "Oh no! The invisibility booster must be faulty." Ron said.

"Come on, then. Let's go lower. We need to find the train." Harry said. "Now all we need to do is catch up with the train." said Harry as the car hovers over the tracks. "We can't be far behind!" (Y/N) said. At that moment, they hear a train whistle. "Do you hear that?" Harry asked. "We must be getting close!" Ron said. "Wait a minute." (Y/N) said. Her eyes widened, and the boys looked frightened. She turns around and sees the train right behind them. The three scream, and Ron quickly drives away. He ends up making the car spin multiple times, until a door opens, causing (Y/N) to fall out. "(Y/N)!" The boys screamed. Harry quickly reaches an arm out towards her. "(Y/N), take my hand!" He shouted. The girl reached for his hand, missing a few times, but eventually was able to grab it. "Hold on!" Harry said as he tried his best to pull her back in the car. He soon got her back in and closed the door. (Y/N) breathed in relief. "Thanks, Harry." She said. "Don't mention it." He said. Soon it was night and they had arrived at Hogworts. ""Welcome home." Ron said.  (Y/N) and Harry both smile. Suddenly the car starts to jerk and sputter.

Ron and Harry grab the gear shift and Ron grabs the wheel with his other hand, guiding the car away from the castle. "Up! Up!" (Y/N) shouted. ""It's not working!" Ron shouted then he pulls out his wand and taps it on the wheel. "Stop! Stop! Stop!" Ron's wand breaks on his last plea. He looks at his wand in despair. "Watch out!" (Y/N) shouted as Ron accidentally drives into a giant tree. "My wand!" He exclaimes. "Look at my wand!" (Y/N) puts a hand on his shoulder to comfort him. "Be thankful it wasn't your neck." Harry reassured then at that moment a loud bang came onto the side of the car. "What's happening?" Ron asked. "I don't know." (Y/N) said. The trio look through the front windows and see a thick tree branch coming and hits the hood of the car, causing (Y/N) and the boys to scream as the tree starts to hit the sides and the roof of the car. The car then falls and lands back on the ground. "Go! Go!" (Y/N) shouted and Ron starts the car and moves away as the tree falls down but you trio move away just in time. Ron stops the car as the three look at each other in relief.

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