
15 4 0

by: @Park__Ara

what was the dream about?

About a cute little boy..i think,he must be 2-3 years old

what happened?

I was walking on a road but,i saw that little kid, wearing white mask,his eyes were shining as it's big...he was crying,i thought,he was,i took him in police station for finding his parents but,the police told me that,it's their holiday time,so they can't do any work,i took him in my house...he was really silent but big sisters took him with her without my permission and,i was worried and angry on them..i don't know but,i wanted him so much.

what did you feel?

Lovely, relaxfull,cute but,when they took him away from me,i was feeling really angry and worried for him

meaning: you might have a friend or other person in your life who you have had a lot of fun with but the person, or animal is getting toxic or strange 

to do: so, you should try to talk with the person and maby you find out of things or you will stop having connection

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