The Accursed Day (The Prologue)

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(Hello!, it's me again. I was gone for way to fucking long and now I'm thinking of remaking the story. Tell me what you think!)


I finally woke up from my plane ride, just in time for the plane to land. I woke up Pikachu just in time for the plane to land.

When I got off the plane, I breathed in the fresh air. Sweet home, Pallet Town. Me and Pikachu raced to Pallet town proper, with us visiting Professor Oak first thing. Gary was there too. We chatted for a little bit after I gave the Pokemon from my Kalos travels to Oak.

Eventually, I said goodbye to Gary and the Professor  and headed off to my house, thinking of what my mom has possibly cooked for us, I could tell Pikachu's mouth was watering just thinking about it.

As we got to our house, I thought i could hear noises inside. I went to investigate. Before i eve went in though, I already heard the voices of... my former companions? They seem to be arguing about something, and I decided to eavesdrop for a little bit before heading inside.

Upon first glance, there seemed to be 2 sides to the argument. Brock, Paul and Dawn on one side, basically everyone else was on the other side. I say basically because there were two that were on the fence about the whole issue. May and Max (Don't know where i should put these two yet, leave some ideas in the comments).

I noticed my Kalos friends weren't here, which was a huge relief, nor was Tracey. Guess he's running errands or something. I also noticed some people that I considered relatively close to me, like Barry, weren't here.

When I got closer it finally became clear what they were talking about. They were discussing my recent loss at the Kalos league. Or rather, tell me to stop challenging the leagues. Most of them were adamant about telling me to stop challenging the leagues. Only Brock and Dawn were defending me, as they got berated with insults and nasty comments. Paul was just sitting on the sideline looking disapprovingly on the other side. I didn't see my mom anywhere. Maybe we ran out of groceries? I don't know, but whatever it is, she's not here.

After eavesdropping for a little longer, I thought of how to make my entrance. I decided on acting all oblivious until the other side told me their "idea".

After decided on this, I told Pikachu the plan and walked in.

 "Hey guys! What a surprise! What are you all here for? Were you arguing or something?" I said as I walked through the door.

The two sides looked at me as I made my entrance. The bigger side was looking at me with more malicious intent, while Brock looked at me with remorse, and Dawn looked at me with a almost scared look, but it was quickly replaced a somber look, similar to the one Brock has.

Almost immediately, Misty started talking, putting up a fake sad face to make it look like she regrets this choice. "Hey Ash, we've been talking about your last loss in the Kalos League, and we've decided that you should stop traveling" Brock, after hearing that, said, "Don't you know how much he's done for us? He's saved your lives more times than I can count, and him traveling might be the difference between people dying or living. Like the recent Kalos crisis, If Ash and his Greninja wasn't there, Kalos might be underwater." Dawn kind of just did that thing where you kinda just go "Yeah, he's right!" sort of thing.

The two bickered back a forth for a while as I was watching on the sidelines. May and Max decided to kinda just leave in the middle of their bickering, as to not fan the flames, I assume.

Eventually the  conversation turned to me as Misty almost pushed me to give up my journey to "become useless." Her words. As soon as that happened, Paul decided to join the argument, fiercely debating with the other side. It almost got physical at one point but Brock stopped him.

Anyways, turns out Paul was trying to distract them while I left. And I noticed that about halfway through when he started to get in fights with people. I decided to leave and tried my best not to noticed.

It failed.

Basically I headed to Professer Oak's lab with like 20 something people on my tail, the other three following somewhat far behind. Don't know where May and Max went. Guess they decided to leave while they had the chance. Anyway when I got into Professor Oak's lab. I immediately barricaded the door. When Oak questioned what the hell I was doing, I gave him a brief summary on what just happened.

After I gave the explanation, Oak told Gary to get all my Pokeballs. Gary went and got them. While he got the Oak introduced me to what is basically portable PC in the shape of a watch, so I can get and transport my Pokemon seamlessly. As soon as he finished talking about the extra features he added in for convenience sake, like doubling as a Pokedex, Gary came back with my 100 something Pokeballs. And I managed to put all of them in my portable PC before the people who want me to give up got here.

They were trying to break down the barricade I made. I just hope to Arceus that they don't realize that there's a back door. After the Professor talked to me about a few more features, I was gonna head off. But Professor give me a sizable pouch, an egg container, and a ticket before I left. I tried asking him about what it was, he just said that there was no time., he did, however, explain that the ticket was for an airplane ride to Alola, I thanked him and headed off.

I did my best not to get seen by the others who thankfully were distracted by the other three. I made my way to the airport a little ways away, and asked to go on the flight to Alola. They said yes, so I went on the airplane which took off shortly after I got on board.

Reminiscing on the events that just happened,  I just wondered why they would do this. Was it because I lost for the 6th time in a row, or was it because of the Kalos Crisis?

After wondering about this, I fell asleep, along with Pikachu, beside my side through the entire thing, wondering what Alola will be like.


Hello there, It's me again! Sorry for being gone for so long, i forgot Wattpad existed.

Anyway, if you didn't see my announcement, I've decided to rewrite the story for a better plot. Most of the things is said in the original one i said are still true, being that Ash is 16, not dense, and the story mostly follows the anime. I will, however, say that i will be making all of Ash's companions close to, if not at that age, except for Bonnie, cuz she's obviously a kid.

If you have any criticism about the prologue, i would love to hear it!

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 05, 2023 ⏰

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