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Elise's POV :

I'm in my room right now, crying non stop just because of thinking what just happened a while ago, and every time I remember it, I can't help to cry.

You know why? its because my girlfriend just broke up with me, and it freaking hurts! Am I not enough for her? Did she even care for our 3 years relationship?!, countless of questions kept popping in my mind.

I hate it! I hate this! "I hate my life arghhh!!" I said while crying. I just continued crying until I felt my eyes getting heavier, and the next thing I knew I just fell asleep.

The Next Day.

I woke up because of the sound of my mom calling me, "Elise, wake up it's already noon!" My mom shouted downstairs, I quickly got up and went to the bathroom to wash up, I saw how my eyes are swollen, maybe because of too much crying yesterday.

After that I went downstairs and saw my mom, my dad and my sister Elaine. I sat down next to my mom and started eating, we continue to eat in silence until mom asked something.

"Did you cry Elise?" mom asked

I guess that she noticed my swollen eyes

"No I didn't, it's just some insects that bit me when I was sleeping, and I also watch a sad movie too so that's why hehe" I lied to my mom

I don't want to add more problem to her.

After I ate, I went to my room and started dressing up since, I will meet my friends at the mall.

*At The Mall

Currently we're at a restaurant right now, since AJ and Luna are already hungry.

While waiting for the food to arrive, we decided to have a talk since we're our graduation is already near.

Yes, we're still studying, actually all of us are already in our 4th year college except Luna, who is still in her 1st year, there's 4 of us who's 4th year.

The 4th years are Me, AJ, Kate, and Camille, while Luna is 1st year.

While we're talking, Kate suddenly uttered "btw Elise, how are you and Kira?" she asked, My body stiffened when I heard about it, especially to the name itself "Kira".

"We're fine" I said, as I force a smile to reassure them.

"Is that so?" she said, "yes" I said with firmness. "It's just that I heared Amy said about you and Kira breaking up, I thought its was true, that's why I asked you" she said.

I'm totally planning on telling them the truth, but I don't want them to hate on her, especially that their girlfriend are part of the circle of friends of Kira.

Yes you heard it right, Girlfriends. No one among my friends are straight though, Kate is in relationship with Amy, Kira's BFF. While, AJ is in relationship with Xia, Kira's Friend. While Camille is being courted by Jade, one of Kira's friend too. While Luna is still single, but I have a hunch that she likes my sister, I don't have a problem with it since I knew she wouldn't hurt her, but if she does I may forget that she's one of my friends and may hurt her.

Our order already came so we start eating already, after eating we continue shopping, and after that we went home already.

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⏰ Last updated: May 18, 2022 ⏰

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