The First Meeting

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𝐻𝓎𝓊𝓃𝒿𝒾𝓃 𝓅𝑜𝓋
I woke up and rung the bell that had been kept on my bedside, finally the day I had been waiting for had come. It was now time that I take my place as the rightful heir of the throne. Today was the day of my coronation and everything had to go perfectly otherwise my plan would fail entirely. I got up and got dressed in the royal robes which were made for just this day, if only words could express how great it felt. Once everything was ready I walked onto the stage, the whole kingdom was there, ready to welcome their new king, pathetic little worms, nothing but a stain on the name of this kingdom. How dare they act like just earlier they weren't bitching on about how I'm a freak that doesn't deserve to rule this kingdom, but they need not to worry, I'll show them my worth alright. Once my crowning ceremony was done they all bowed before me but I couldn't care less, because fuck peace and harmony wolves deserve to be slaughtered and fairies deserve to be enslaved the only true high and all mighty beings, the only beings that deserve to have sovereignty. With that I gave my men an order "Bring her to me" and like the worthless lowly pawns they are, they obeyed. This is going to be much more fun then I could ever imagine.

𝓎/𝓃 𝓅𝑜𝓋
It was a day like any other in the palace, I was out on a stroll per fathers command to go fetch some berries from the forest surrounding our palace. If only he'd just let me act like how I want but no, I just had to be an only child, he just had to want a petite fragile little doll for a daughter, if only mother were here, she'd convince him, oh how I wish I could go away from here. Just then I heard rustling coming from the bushes, I assumed it was just a bunny that had wandered out of it's burrow, that was until I noticed the black clothing. "Come out, face me you coward!" I was not going to go down without a fight, even if I lost, at least I tried. A guy with pretty fox eyes appeared in front of me, I was about to kick him where it really hurts but then I heard a very soft yet deep voice whisper an "I'm sorry". I felt a cloth on my mouth and just like that I blacked out. I guess it's true what they say 'Be careful what you wish for' I take it back, I take all of my words back, sitting here, on what felt like a moving horse with both my eyes and my mouth being covered by some sort of cloth. It felt like forever had passed but the horse still kept moving, where were they taking me? What did they want from me? All my thoughts were pushed into the corner as the horse came to a sudden halt. I was picked up and carried, I stayed calm as to not make it obvious that I was now awake. I was placed down onto my knees before the cloth was removed from my face, I looked up and that's when my eyes met his. It was dark in gloomy in that room and I couldn't quite make out who it was, but one thing I could make out were the pointy fangs, now visible in his grin.

Word count: 587
I'll start writing longer chapters, just really busy these days
Updates will be random for now<33

ℌ𝔢𝔯 𝔱𝔞𝔰𝔱𝔢🍯(ℌ𝔶𝔲𝔫𝔧𝔦𝔫/𝔅𝔞𝔫𝔤 ℭ𝔥𝔞𝔫 𝔵 ℜ𝔢𝔞𝔡𝔢𝔯)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora