The Lengths He'd Go

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When Chan and Y/n reached back home the male left a soft kiss on the girls forehead before bidding her farewell for the night. Chan was about to leave when the girl spoke out "Would you like to sleep here with me tonight"

And that's how the two ended up together in bed, cuddling to sleep. Time flew by fast and as the sun arose to greet the people of all 3 kingdoms, the door of Y/n's room opened with a bang which immediately woke up Chan, his eyes then met with the red one's of Hyunjin's, which were now burning with rage.

How did he get in here? Chan wondered, he noticed that Hyunjin was about to yell so he covered his mouth. "Be quiet. Let her sleep, we can talk this out downstairs" with that Chan dragged Hyunjin out of the room, forcing him down the stairs as the girl remained sound asleep.

Not soon after, the girl awoke to loud ruckus coming from downstairs, she ran down stares only to see Chan and Hyunjin yelling and shooting daggers at each other with their eyes. Hyunjin noticed her and the anger is his heart grew. So you mean to tell me that's what she was wearing while they slept together?!

"Y/n, stop this foolishness and come back home with me" He ordered the girl Chan simply held her back as he growled at Hyunjin "she has no reason to follow what you tell her to do, she's a free person and she deserves to be treated like one"

That enraged him, his eyes turned red once more as he tightly gripped the family painting which was hung on the wall, he tore away the part which contained Chan's face "Just because I have talked to you calmly up till now does not mean that I will continue to do so"

He then turned his gaze towards the female who was at this point completely clinging on to Chan "Now sweetheart either you come to me while I'm asking nicely or I'll rip your body off of him, rip him to shreds and burn down his entire empire"

Hearing his words the girl tensed up slightly, she slowly let go of the male and started walking towards Hyunjin but Chan held her hand to stop her "You don't have to do this, we can deal with him" he assured her but the girl shook her head, she knew well the capabilities of Chan but he knew what Hyunjin could do, what lengths he could go to.

Y/n walked all the way over to Hyunjin, at her arrival to him he let out a manic laughter as he stared at Chan whose eyes were filled with worry "I told you earlier, this is a fight that you just can't win because no matter what, she'll always turn back to me"

With that he picked up the girl in his arms and carried her to the carriage. She held tears in her eyes as she continued to stare at Chan who was now fading into the distance before he finally left her eyes as the palace doors closed.

"Now you'll be in my palace, in my kingdom, right where you belong" he spoke out as the girl now looked up at him before pretending to be asleep, she did not wish to speak to him or even look at him on their way back. She wondered what had happened to that once kind man that used to talk to her with the same lips that were now the source of maniacal laughter.

By the time they reached Vrykólakas, Y/n had actually fell asleep so he carried her all the way up to her room and lay her down on her bed, after which he planted a soft kiss onto her forehead "Sleep well my angel". He then left her room to let her sleep.

Hours passed after that and was just a bit after midnight when the girl awoke from her slumber due to the noise of a rock hitting her bedroom window, she was highly confused so she looked down, she saw a figure standing there.

At first she was scared and even thought of calling out for Hyunjin, but then she saw those forest green eyes she'd recognize anywhere, she was thinking of was she could jump down the window till she remembered what she was flew down the window and straight into Chan's arms.

"Are you doing alright? Did he hurt you? Did you sleep well?" the boy was clearly very concerned about the girl as one question followed the other, Y/n had enough of the blabbering and placed a soft peck on his lips.

"Stop freaking out so much, as you can see I'm perfectly fine" she spoke, flashing a smile at the now flustered male.

"You are, but he won't be unless he leaves in the next 2 minutes" a voice laced with anger called out making them both turn around only to see Hyunjin glaring down at them. "Who gave you permission to come into my kingdom then flirt with it's future queen?!"

Y/n stood in front of Chan as she heard Hyunjin scream at him, seeing this tore Hyunjin apart on the inside but he didn't show it "tell me what exactly is wrong with me that no matter what I do you end up going to him?" He spoke completely contradicting what he had said while in Lykánthropos.

The girl simply looked down at the ground as Hyunjin scoffed "tell me do you hate me that much that you prefer being with the child of a murderer?!" he yelled out as the girl flinched but continued to remain silent.

"I should've known better than to think that you would keep your promise" this was the first time that the girl saw him like this. weak and vulnerable but that didn't last quite long, he grabbed her hand before pulling her towards him.

"I'll be dealing with you later" he spoke as though it were venom dripping from his mouth, he then turned towards Chan "now leave otherwise it's your mother I'll come for next time"

Chan was hesitant at first but the girl motioned him to leave as she knew that Hyunjin was the type who would not think twice before actually doing something like that. Chan leaned forward to kiss the girl's cheek before leaving immediately after.

"Why you!-" Hyunjin yelled out addressing the running male before he brought his focus back to the girl who was trembling in his arms, out of the cold? Or was it truly the fear that she felt of him?

He sighed as he let go of her arm, only now realizing how tightly he had gripped it that the marks were visible in front of his own eyes. He grabbed her hands again, this time much more softer but all the softness in his touch immediately disappeared as he dragged her inside the palace.

Word count: 1146

Slightly shorter than the last but still better than the first 2 so that's something

Forewarning; next chapter will contain certain triggering themes such as forcing yourself onto someone so kindly proceed with caution, I will ofc be mentioning this on the top of the next chapter as well, but even so, slight forewarning, this is you author Shin signing out!

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Apr 16, 2022 ⏰

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