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Hello! I am very glad you are here right now and i hope you enjoy my fanfic. But before you start reading, I want to inform you about the Megapvp situation.

I understand there has been some drama surrounding Mega_pvp overall on twitter and on the internet. For anyone who dose not know what happened, Mega (18yo) has lied about his age to his ex online girlfriend (21yo) about being 1 year older then he actually is. Nicki (ex-girlfriend) dated Sam (Mega) for about 2 years, around september-october 2020 it has became public that Mega instead of being 18 was 17, and was cheating on Nicki with other underage girls online se*ting (Both of the parties (Mega, and the girls) gave consent to what they where doing ). However all of his chats with the girls where technically legal (they where both miners) People on the internet where not happy and canceled Mega for basically cheating on his minecraft girlfriend. Not long after all the causations, MegaPvp was demoted from invadedlands after 7 years of being staff.

Crazy right? I understand that mega lied to Nicki about his age but it only being 1 year is not that  bad. After all Nicki when first getting into a relationship with Mega, she knew he was underage.

If anyone is more interested in this topic, there are more stuff that happened for example: Mega secretly getting perms for invadedlands on his alt account from Skeppy; Decay's and Mega's  "relationship"; Mega's personal apology and Mega demoting other staff members on invaded. However I will not get into these topics since they are not the reason he was canceled.  

I am not going to put my personal views on this situation, however; I am going to say that if you have a problem with me writing this fanfic with mega in it, I will not get mad. He did do some bad stuff before and I understand why you might be mad/sad.

 HOWEVER this will not stop me from writing this fanfic, just to clarify:

- If there is any shipping, I DO NOT SHIP PEOPLE, I SHIP PERSONAS.

- I will use People even if there is any drama going on around them, and if i do use these people I WILL NOT INCLOUD ANY CURRENT DRAMA OF THESE PEOPLE IRL.



- COMMENT, CRITESIZE, TELL ME IF I MAKE A MISTAKE! Im still learning english and I will never learn if i am not tolled there is a mistake!!!

Enjoy my fanfic!!!

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