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"How did you guys get 'The Miracle'?"

A group of effusive kids gather around the story-teller, the centre of attention, under the shade of a colorful building. The story-teller could only chuckle at their excitement.

"Well, aren't you guys enthusiastic today? Let's see... let's begin at the beginning!"

"...another day had came in this universe when all of a sudden, it began to crumble. The world cracked apart from the edges and seeped towards the middle- the Vast Forest. In a rush, every single person who was able to do so abandoned what they had and fled to the forest, watching as the world they've lived in for so long being destroyed right in front of their eyes. But right then..."

" our darkest moment, that was when we were given a miracle. The light bulb, landing in the hands of Mari, was able to pause this crumbling, lifting up mountains to divide us from falling into the endless void of space, blessing us with a treehouse which came alive to shelter us and magical doors to gift us with the powers you see today! With this power in Mari's hands, she oathed to take care of this world, and use this blessing to protect the remaining people of HEADSPACE. Of course, Mari couldn't lend everyone this power, so she entrusted it to only her closest friends, who become the Headspace Miracle we all know and love today!"

"Why do they call this place HEADSPACE?"

"Honestly... even I don't know! But Mari had called it that... maybe I should ask her."

...crumbling? Mari? The light bulb? Headspace? What had happened while you were gone?

And... how did Mari-

"Hey! Is that?..."

The story-teller notices you from a distance and she runs up to you with a familiar feeling of glee. One you had not seen for a long, long time...

"SUNNY! It's been so long! Do you remember me? It's your old friend, AUBREY!"

...did she just... call you SUNNY?

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 01, 2022 ⏰

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