Chapter 2: Meeting Francis!

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"That's not Francis I know it isn't" I say
"Then that must be Diane's son so the rumours must be true"
I know the girls are still deep in the conversation but all I'm concerned with is sighting Francis.
Before I knew it I turned to find the blonde haired boy I once knew bowing before me!
"Your Grace" he greeted.
"No please call me Mary" I smiled uncontrollably.
Francis then takes my hand and we start to head towards the castle doors to be greeted by the king.

One hour later now and I find myself fighting for breath as its get tighter, Tighter and TIGHTER!! Until I CANT TAKE IT ANYMORE!
"Greer! Mary can't breath"Lola scolds Greer.
"It has to be done sorry Mary but you will get used to it" Greer explains.

I smile then try think of anything else but my breathing I now find myself reminiscing about the time I spent her a girl playing outside climbing trees running down the halls with Francis I find myself smiling at the thought.

"Let's explore the castle we haven't been here since we were children" Aylee pleads.

"You go there's something I want to do first" I explain.

I find myself walking up the staircase to were my old chambers once were. Memories come flooding back of me and Francis running up this very staircase as children I can almost picture it!
As I push over the door of my old chambers I find my old toys still the way I lefted them of course along with a bit of dust I then turn to find swords of all different shapes , sizes and designs covering the walls. After nearing 30 minutes of reminiscing I decide maybe it's time to find my lady's they'd be worried were I got to , know one would ever find me up here!

As I make my way down the staircase I see Francis walking towards me.
"Francis!" I smile.
"Mary what are doing up here?" He questioned.

"Oh just looking these were my old chambers" I explain.

"Knowone comes up here" he explains with anger in his tone.

"Except for you! Wait do you make them swords?" I try to brighten he's mood.
"Yes" he says I still sense anger.
"Do you want to learn the trade of a blacksmith? Is that a requirement for future kings now" I laugh.

But I shouldn't have I can see I hit a sensitive spot! I just stand there still waiting for him to scream? Shout? Laugh? Cry? I didn't know what to expect!
But before Francis could open he's mouth I look further down the staircase to find Aylee.
"Mary come it's time for supper" Aylee shouts not noticing Francis.
"Please excuse me" I say.
"Your excused" Francis smirks but slams the door as I'm on my way down.


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